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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
low density lipoprotein receptor
77 phenotypes from 4 alleles in 12 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
normal homeostasis/metabolism phenotype J:82961
increased circulating cholesterol level J:82961
increased circulating HDL cholesterol level J:82961
increased macrophage derived foam cell number J:82961
increased susceptibility to atherosclerosis J:82961
gallstones J:82961
normal homeostasis/metabolism phenotype J:82961
increased circulating cholesterol level J:82961
increased circulating HDL cholesterol level J:82961
increased macrophage derived foam cell number J:82961
increased susceptibility to atherosclerosis J:82961
retina detachment J:82961
involves: C57BL/6JJcl * DBA/2JJcl
increased circulating cholesterol level J:133634
abnormal auditory brainstem response J:211773
decreased circulating unsaturated transferrin level J:211773
increased circulating cholesterol level J:211773
increased circulating HDL cholesterol level J:211773
increased circulating iron level J:211773
increased grip strength J:211773
increased circulating cholesterol level J:72027
increased circulating triglyceride level J:72027
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
hyperglycemia J:100916
abnormal astrocyte morphology J:137264
abnormal circulating cholesterol level J:100916, J:130278
abnormal CNS glial cell morphology J:137264
abnormal fat pad morphology J:130278
abnormal microglial cell morphology J:137264
abnormal spatial learning J:135078
abnormal triglyceride level J:130278
amyloid beta deposits J:137264
atherosclerotic lesions J:61287, J:110061
decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level J:130794
decreased circulating interleukin-10 level J:130794
decreased susceptibility to weight gain J:135078
hepatic steatosis J:130278
hyperglycemia J:100916, J:130278
impaired glucose tolerance J:130278
impaired spatial working memory J:137264
increased circulating cholesterol level J:61287, J:72027, J:135078, J:137264
increased circulating HDL cholesterol level J:72027
increased circulating insulin level J:130278
increased circulating interleukin-1 beta level J:137264
increased circulating interleukin-6 level J:137264
increased circulating LDL cholesterol level J:72027, J:130794
increased circulating triglyceride level J:72027, J:130278, J:137264
increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level J:137264
increased circulating VLDL cholesterol level J:130278, J:130794
increased circulating VLDL triglyceride level J:130278
increased grip strength J:135078
increased liver cholesterol level J:72027
increased liver triglyceride level J:130278
increased locomotor activity J:135078
increased percent body fat/body weight J:130278
increased susceptibility to atherosclerosis J:100916, J:110061, J:130794, J:135078
increased susceptibility to weight gain J:130278
abnormal adrenal gland morphology J:85174
abnormal liver physiology J:106146
alopecia J:85174
atherosclerotic lesions J:103072
decreased circulating triglyceride level J:85174
hepatic steatosis J:85174
normal homeostasis/metabolism phenotype J:149005
increased cholesterol level J:85174
increased circulating cholesterol level J:85174, J:104609
increased circulating HDL cholesterol level J:85174
increased circulating LDL cholesterol level J:85174, J:149005
increased circulating triglyceride level J:149005
increased circulating VLDL cholesterol level J:85174, J:149005
increased liver cholesterol level J:85174
scaly skin J:85174
thick skin J:85174
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 * DBA
abnormal cholesterol homeostasis J:75567
abnormal circulating protein level J:75567
abnormal lipid homeostasis J:75567
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
atherosclerotic lesions J:96110
increased circulating cholesterol level J:96110
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd
abnormal circulating cholesterol level J:48202
abnormal circulating LDL cholesterol level J:84694
atherosclerotic lesions J:228420
increased circulating cholesterol level J:48202, J:84694, J:228420
increased circulating LDL cholesterol level J:84694, J:114949, J:169834
increased circulating triglyceride level J:48202
increased susceptibility to atherosclerosis J:228420
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
abnormal arteriole morphology J:116493
abnormal Bruch membrane morphology J:132498
abnormal choriocapillaris morphology J:132498
abnormal circulating amino acid level J:146932
abnormal glucose homeostasis J:84844
abnormal hippocampus morphology J:127270
abnormal microglial cell morphology J:116493
abnormal retina pigment epithelium morphology J:132498
abnormal short-term spatial reference memory J:116493, J:120389
abnormal spatial learning J:116493, J:120389
abnormal synapse morphology J:43043
abnormal synaptic bouton morphology J:120389, J:127270
decreased circulating corticosterone level J:108412
decreased lean body mass J:84844
impaired glucose tolerance J:84844
increased circulating alanine transaminase level J:175559
increased circulating cholesterol level J:175559
increased circulating free fatty acids level J:175559
increased circulating glucose level J:84844
increased circulating insulin level J:84844
increased circulating LDL cholesterol level J:102291
increased circulating triglyceride level J:175559
increased hepatocyte apoptosis J:175559
increased liver cholesterol level J:175559
increased liver triglyceride level J:175559
increased liver weight J:175559
insulin resistance J:84844
liver fibrosis J:175559
liver inflammation J:175559
macrovesicular hepatic steatosis J:175559
maternal effect J:146932
microvesicular hepatic steatosis J:175559
obese J:175559
oxidative stress J:175559
photoreceptor outer segment degeneration J:132498
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 * SJL
increased circulating cholesterol level J:114480
increased circulating LDL cholesterol level J:114480
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6J
atherosclerotic lesions J:29950
increased circulating cholesterol level J:29950
increased susceptibility to atherosclerosis J:29950

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory