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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
retinoic acid receptor, alpha
202 phenotypes from multigenic genotypes
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Annotated Term Reference
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:21009
abnormal Harderian gland development J:21009
abnormal incus morphology J:21009
abnormal incus short process morphology J:21009
absent nasolacrimal duct J:21009
short fibula J:21009
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
abnormal skeleton morphology J:43344
abnormal sternum morphology J:43344
cervical vertebral transformation J:43344
fusion of atlas and odontoid process J:43344
split cervical axis J:43344
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal renal tubule morphology J:21034
abnormal respiratory system morphology J:21034
absent fetal ductus arteriosus J:21034
absent nephrogenic zone J:21034
ectopic kidney J:21034
perimembraneous ventricular septal defect J:21034
persistent right dorsal aorta J:21034
persistent truncus arteriosus J:21034
pulmonary hypoplasia J:21034
renal glomerulus hypertrophy J:21034
renal hypoplasia J:21034
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:21009
abnormal aortic valve cusp morphology J:21034
abnormal cervical atlas morphology J:21009
abnormal cervical axis morphology J:21009
abnormal cervical vertebrae morphology J:21009
abnormal cricoid cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal esophageal epithelium morphology J:21034
abnormal female reproductive system morphology J:21034
abnormal incus morphology J:21009
abnormal incus short process morphology J:21009
abnormal interventricular septum membranous part morphology J:21034
abnormal kidney development J:52599
abnormal left lung morphology J:21034
abnormal left major bronchus morphology J:21034
abnormal nephrogenic mesenchyme morphogenesis J:52599
abnormal occipital bone morphology J:21009
abnormal pulmonary artery morphology J:21034
abnormal renal tubule morphology J:21034
abnormal respiratory system morphology J:21034
abnormal right lung accessory lobe morphology J:21034
abnormal right lung morphology J:21034
abnormal right major bronchus morphology J:21034
abnormal sixth pharyngeal arch artery morphology J:21034
abnormal skeleton morphology J:21009
abnormal stomach epithelium morphology J:21034
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal tracheal cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal ureter morphology J:21034
absent anal canal J:21034
absent cranial vagina J:21034
absent fetal ductus arteriosus J:21034
absent Mullerian ducts J:21034
absent nephrogenic zone J:21034
absent oviduct J:21034
absent uterus J:21034
normal craniofacial phenotype J:21009
cricoid and tracheal cartilage fusion J:21034
decreased nephron number J:52599
ectopic kidney J:21034
ectopic parathyroid gland J:21034
ectopic ureter J:21034
ectopic ureteric bud J:52599
fusion of atlas and occipital bones J:21009
hydronephrosis J:21034
hydroureter J:21034
impaired branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis J:52599
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance J:21009, J:21034
persistent cervical thymus J:21034
persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous J:21009
persistent right dorsal aorta J:21034
persistent truncus arteriosus J:21034
renal glomerulus hypertrophy J:21034
renal hypoplasia J:21034
small kidney J:52599
tracheoesophageal fistula J:21034
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
abnormal incus morphology J:43344
abnormal skeleton morphology J:43344
abnormal temporal bone squamous part morphology J:43344
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology J:43344
abnormal tracheal cartilage morphology J:43344
abnormal vertebrae morphology J:43344
cervical vertebral transformation J:43344
fusion of atlas and odontoid process J:43344
fusion of vertebral arches J:43344
split cervical atlas J:43344
split cervical axis J:43344
thoracic vertebral transformation J:43344
vertebral transformation J:43344
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
abnormal arytenoid cartilage morphology J:43344
abnormal basioccipital bone morphology J:43344
abnormal cartilage morphology J:43344
abnormal conotruncus septation J:43344
abnormal cricoid cartilage morphology J:43344
abnormal gonial bone morphology J:43344
abnormal hypoglossal nerve morphology J:43344
abnormal incus morphology J:43344
abnormal inferior vena cava morphology J:43344
abnormal pulmonary artery morphology J:43344
abnormal skeleton morphology J:43344
abnormal stapes morphology J:43344
abnormal thymus morphology J:43344
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology J:43344
abnormal tracheal cartilage morphology J:43344
abnormal ureter morphology J:43344
abnormal vertebrae morphology J:43344
abnormal vertebral arch morphology J:43344
abnormal xiphoid process morphology J:43344
absent anal canal J:43344
absent cranial vagina J:43344
absent hypoglossal canal J:43344
absent Mullerian ducts J:43344
absent oviduct J:43344
absent stapedial artery J:43344
absent stapes obturator foramen J:43344
absent uterus J:43344
cervical vertebral transformation J:43344
diaphragmatic hernia J:43344
ectopic ureter J:43344
fusion of atlas and occipital bones J:43344
fusion of atlas and odontoid process J:43344
fusion of vertebral arches J:43344
hydronephrosis J:43344
lumbar vertebral transformation J:43344
perinatal lethality, complete penetrance J:43344
persistent cervical thymus J:43344
persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous J:43344
persistent truncus arteriosus J:43344
pulmonary hypoplasia J:43344
renal hypoplasia J:43344
right aortic arch J:43344
short sublingual duct J:43344
split cervical atlas J:43344
split cervical axis J:43344
tracheoesophageal fistula J:43344
ventricular septal defect J:43344
vertebral transformation J:43344
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal abducens nerve morphology J:21009
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:21009
abnormal aortic valve morphology J:21034
abnormal arytenoid cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal autopod morphology J:21009
abnormal brain commissure morphology J:21009
abnormal brain morphology J:21009
abnormal cardiovascular system morphology J:21034
abnormal carpal bone morphology J:21009
abnormal cervical atlas morphology J:21009
abnormal cervical axis morphology J:21009
abnormal cervical vertebrae morphology J:21009
abnormal conjunctiva morphology J:21009
abnormal conjunctival sac morphology J:21009
abnormal cornea stroma morphology J:21009
abnormal cribriform plate morphology J:21009
abnormal cricoid cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal foot pad morphology J:21009
abnormal frontal bone morphology J:21009
abnormal incus morphology J:21009
abnormal incus short process morphology J:21009
abnormal interventricular septum membranous part morphology J:21034
abnormal lens fiber morphology J:21009
abnormal maxillary shelf morphology J:21009
abnormal metacarpal bone morphology J:21009
abnormal metanephric mesenchyme morphology J:21034
abnormal nasal bone morphology J:21009
abnormal nasal capsule morphology J:21009
abnormal neurocranium morphology J:21009
abnormal occipital bone morphology J:21009
abnormal phalanx morphology J:21009
abnormal pituitary gland development J:21009
abnormal pollex morphology J:21009
abnormal respiratory system morphology J:21034
abnormal scapula morphology J:21009
abnormal sixth pharyngeal arch artery morphology J:21034
abnormal skeleton morphology J:21009, J:21034
abnormal sternum morphology J:21009
abnormal telencephalon morphology J:21009
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal tracheal cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal upper lip morphology J:21009
abnormal ureteric bud invasion J:21034
abnormal uterus morphology J:21034
absent cochlear ganglion J:21009
absent cornea J:21009
absent cranial vagina J:21034
absent eye anterior chamber J:21009
absent fetal ductus arteriosus J:21034
absent Harderian gland J:21009
absent kidney J:21034
absent kidney pelvis J:21034
absent nasal septum J:21009
absent nasolacrimal duct J:21009
absent neurocranium J:21009
absent organ of Corti J:21009
absent outer ear J:21009
absent premaxilla J:21009
absent presphenoid bone J:21009
absent radius J:21009
absent seminal vesicle J:21034
absent tracheal cartilage rings J:21034
absent upper incisors J:21009
absent ureter J:21034
absent ureteric bud J:21034
absent uterus J:21034
absent vas deferens J:21034
absent vomer bone J:21009
anophthalmia J:21009
aphakia J:21009
basisphenoid bone foramen J:21009
bowed tibia J:21009
corneal-lenticular stalk J:21009
cricoid and tracheal cartilage fusion J:21034
decreased fetal size J:21009
ectopic cartilage J:21034
ectopic parathyroid gland J:21034
ectopic thyroid gland J:21034
exencephaly J:21009
failure of eyelid fusion J:21009
fused bronchial cartilage rings J:21034
fusion of atlas and occipital bones J:21009
microphthalmia J:21009
midline facial cleft J:21009
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance J:21009
oligodactyly J:21009
open neural tube J:21009
optic nerve coloboma J:21009
otic capsule hypoplasia J:21009
persistent cervical thymus J:21034
persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous J:21009
persistent right dorsal aorta J:21034
persistent truncus arteriosus J:21034
polydactyly J:21009
prenatal lethality, complete penetrance J:21034
prenatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:21009
retina coloboma J:21009
rib fusion J:21009
rudimentary Mullerian ducts J:21034
rudimentary Wolffian ducts J:21034
scoliosis J:21009
short fibula J:21009
short snout J:21009
short sublingual duct J:21009
short trachea J:21034
small otic vesicle J:21009
umbilical hernia J:21009
ventricle myocardium hypoplasia J:21034
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:42773
abnormal axial skeleton morphology J:42773
abnormal cervical vertebrae morphology J:42773
abnormal cricoid cartilage morphology J:42773
abnormal incus morphology J:42773
abnormal lumbar vertebrae morphology J:42773
abnormal thoracic vertebrae morphology J:42773
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology J:42773
absent Harderian gland J:42773
absent stapedial artery J:42773
absent temporal bone zygomatic process J:42773
cervical vertebral fusion J:42773
ectopic thymus J:42773
perinatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:42773
renal hypoplasia J:42773
right aortic arch J:42773
involves: 129/Sv * 129S2/SvPas
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:42773
abnormal axial skeleton morphology J:42773
abnormal cervical vertebrae morphology J:42773
abnormal cricoid cartilage morphology J:42773
abnormal hyoid bone morphology J:42773
abnormal incus morphology J:42773
abnormal lumbar vertebrae morphology J:42773
abnormal thoracic vertebrae morphology J:42773
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology J:42773
absent kidney J:42773
absent temporal bone zygomatic process J:42773
cervical vertebral fusion J:42773
perinatal lethality J:42773
persistent truncus arteriosus J:42773
renal hypoplasia J:42773
right aortic arch J:42773
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:21009
abnormal brain commissure morphology J:21009
abnormal brain morphology J:21009
abnormal cerebral hemisphere morphology J:21009
abnormal cervical atlas morphology J:21009
abnormal cervical axis morphology J:21009
abnormal cervical vertebrae morphology J:21009
abnormal folding of telencephalic vesicles J:21009
abnormal incus morphology J:21009
abnormal incus short process morphology J:21009
abnormal lateral ventricle morphology J:21009
abnormal meninges morphology J:21009
abnormal nasal septum cartilage morphology J:21009
abnormal neurocranium morphology J:21009
abnormal presphenoid bone morphology J:21009
abnormal skeleton morphology J:21009
abnormal sternum morphology J:21009
abnormal sublingual duct morphology J:21009
abnormal submandibular gland morphology J:21009
abnormal upper incisor morphology J:21009
absent cerebellum J:21009
absent Harderian gland J:21009
absent hindbrain J:21009
absent nasolacrimal duct J:21009
absent sublingual duct J:21009
absent sublingual gland J:21009
absent upper incisors J:21009
basisphenoid bone foramen J:21009
cervical vertebral transformation J:21009
cleft palate J:21009
corneal-lenticular stalk J:21009
failure of eyelid fusion J:21009
fusion of atlas and occipital bones J:21009
intracerebral hemorrhage J:21009
midline cleft upper lip J:21009
rib fusion J:21009
short frontal bone J:21009
short sublingual duct J:21009
shortened head J:21009
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal aortic valve morphology J:21034
abnormal arytenoid cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal cardiovascular system morphology J:21034
abnormal cricoid cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal fourth pharyngeal arch artery morphology J:21034
abnormal interventricular septum membranous part morphology J:21034
abnormal respiratory system morphology J:21034
absent tracheal cartilage rings J:21034
cricoid and tracheal cartilage fusion J:21034
double outlet right ventricle J:21034
ectopic parathyroid gland J:21034
fused bronchial cartilage rings J:21034
perinatal lethality J:21034
persistent right dorsal aorta J:21034
renal hypoplasia J:21034
small thyroid cartilage J:21034
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal alisphenoid bone morphology J:21009
abnormal cardiovascular system morphology J:21034
abnormal female reproductive system morphology J:21034
abnormal fourth pharyngeal arch artery morphology J:21034
abnormal incus morphology J:21009
abnormal incus short process morphology J:21009
abnormal renal tubule morphology J:21034
abnormal respiratory system morphology J:21034
abnormal sixth pharyngeal arch artery morphology J:21034
abnormal skeleton morphology J:21034
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal tracheal cartilage morphology J:21034
abnormal ureter morphology J:21034
absent cranial vagina J:21034
absent nephrogenic zone J:21034
absent uterus J:21034
normal craniofacial phenotype J:21009
cricoid and tracheal cartilage fusion J:21034
ectopic cartilage J:21034
ectopic kidney J:21034
ectopic parathyroid gland J:21034
ectopic ureter J:21034
hydronephrosis J:21034
hydroureter J:21034
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance J:21009, J:21034
perimembraneous ventricular septal defect J:21034
persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous J:21009
persistent right dorsal aorta J:21034
renal glomerulus hypertrophy J:21034
renal hypoplasia J:21034
rudimentary Mullerian ducts J:21034
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal cervical atlas morphology J:21009
abnormal cervical axis morphology J:21009
abnormal cervical vertebrae morphology J:21009
abnormal Harderian gland development J:21009
abnormal lacrimal gland development J:21009
abnormal neurocranium morphology J:21009
abnormal skeleton morphology J:21009
abnormal sternum morphology J:21009
abnormal sublingual duct morphology J:21009
abnormal submandibular duct morphology J:21009
absent nasolacrimal duct J:21009
absent tracheal cartilage rings J:21034
cervical vertebral transformation J:21009
cricoid and tracheal cartilage fusion J:21034
fused bronchial cartilage rings J:21034
fusion of atlas and occipital bones J:21009
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance J:21009
perinatal lethality J:21034
rib fusion J:21009
short sublingual duct J:21009
involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6 * SJL
increased hepatocyte proliferation J:130210
normal neoplasm J:130210
involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6 * DBA * SJL
increased hepatocyte proliferation J:130210
involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6 * DBA * SJL
increased hepatocyte proliferation J:130210

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