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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
RB transcriptional corepressor 1
188 phenotypes from 21 alleles in 38 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6
abnormal fertility/fecundity J:198777
abnormal spermatogenesis J:198777
decreased testis weight J:198777
male infertility J:198777
small testis J:198777
involves: 129T2/SvEms * C57BL/6 * SJL
abnormal melanocyte morphology J:108628
postnatal lethality, complete penetrance J:108628
either: (involves: 129S4/SvJae * 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6) or (involves: 129S4/SvJae * 129S6/SvEvTac)
abnormal pilomotor reflex J:80087
decreased apoptosis J:80087
decreased retina apoptosis J:80087
decreased susceptibility to induced morbidity/mortality J:80087
lethargy J:80087
129S6.129-Trp53tm1Tyj Rb1tm1.1Jyjw
normal neoplasm J:102483
either: (involves: 129S4/SvJae * 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6) or (involves: 129S4/SvJae * 129S6/SvEvTac)
abnormal pilomotor reflex J:80087
abnormal retina apoptosis J:80087
decreased apoptosis J:80087
decreased susceptibility to induced morbidity/mortality J:80087
increased susceptibility to induced morbidity/mortality J:80087
lethargy J:80087
prenatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:80087
involves: 129T2/SvEms * C57BL/6 * SJL
decreased tumor-free survival time J:108628
increased tumor incidence J:108628
involves: 129T2/SvEms * C57BL/6 * SJL
preweaning lethality, incomplete penetrance J:108628
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6J
increased pheochromocytoma incidence J:79016
increased pituitary adenohypophysis tumor incidence J:79016
increased pituitary melanotroph tumor incidence J:79016
increased thyroid C-cell carcinoma incidence J:79016
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
abnormal neuroendocrine gland morphology J:17434
cachexia J:17434
increased body mass index J:79648
increased brain tumor incidence J:2516
increased metastatic potential J:17434
increased pituitary adenoma incidence J:17434
normal neoplasm J:2516, J:79648
obese J:17434
involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
abnormal blood vessel morphology J:2516
abnormal brain morphology J:2516
abnormal cell proliferation J:2516
abnormal dorsal root ganglion morphology J:2516
abnormal embryo development J:2516
abnormal erythrocyte morphology J:2516
decreased brain size J:2516
decreased fetal size J:2516
decreased hepatocyte number J:2516
dilated liver sinusoidal space J:2516
edema J:2516
enlarged fourth ventricle J:2516
increased neuron apoptosis J:2516
increased nucleated erythrocyte cell number J:2516
kyphosis J:2516
lethality throughout fetal growth and development, complete penetrance J:2516
small dorsal root ganglion J:2516
small liver J:2516
normal vision/eye phenotype J:2516
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * FVB/N
abnormal pituitary intermediate lobe morphology J:48860
increased pituitary adenoma incidence J:48860
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * FVB/N
pituitary intermediate lobe hyperplasia J:48860
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * FVB/N
no abnormal phenotype detected J:48860
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * FVB/N
increased pituitary adenoma incidence J:48860
premature death J:48860
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * FVB/N
decreased tumor-free survival time J:48860
increased pituitary adenoma incidence J:48860
pituitary intermediate lobe hyperplasia J:48860
involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6
abnormal cell cycle J:105548
abnormal cell cycle checkpoint function J:105548
abnormal dorsal root ganglion morphology J:105548
abnormal erythropoiesis J:105548
abnormal fourth ventricle morphology J:105548
abnormal lens fiber morphology J:105548
abnormal macrophage morphology J:105548
abnormal placenta labyrinth morphology J:105548
abnormal placental transport J:105548
abnormal third ventricle morphology J:105548
abnormal trigeminal ganglion morphology J:105548
decreased embryo size J:105548
increased fibroblast proliferation J:105548
increased lens fiber apoptosis J:105548
lethality throughout fetal growth and development, complete penetrance J:105548
pallor J:105548
involves: 129/Sv * 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
abnormal erythropoiesis J:105548
decreased embryo size J:105548
lethality throughout fetal growth and development, complete penetrance J:105548
pallor J:105548
involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6 * SJL
abnormal retina horizontal cell morphology J:105548
decreased retina rod cell number J:105548
involves: 129 * C57BL/6
abnormal chromosome morphology J:108366
abnormal milk ejection J:151417
abnormal mitosis J:108366
abnormal response/metabolism to endogenous compounds J:151417
aneuploidy J:108366
mammary gland duct hyperplasia J:151417
mammary gland hyperplasia J:151417
either: (involves: 129S6/SvEvTac) or (involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6)
abnormal pilomotor reflex J:80087
abnormal retina apoptosis J:80087
decreased apoptosis J:80087
decreased susceptibility to induced morbidity/mortality J:80087
lethargy J:80087
either: (involves: 129S6/SvEvTac) or (involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6)
abnormal pilomotor reflex J:80087
decreased apoptosis J:80087
decreased retina apoptosis J:80087
decreased susceptibility to induced morbidity/mortality J:80087
increased susceptibility to induced morbidity/mortality J:80087
lethargy J:80087
prenatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:80087
either: 129P2/OlaHsd-Rb1tm1Mlh or (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * BALB/c) or (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * FVB/N)
abnormal dorsal root ganglion morphology J:2498
increased pituitary melanotroph tumor incidence J:20542
normal neoplasm J:2498, J:20542
either: 129P2/OlaHsd-Rb1tm1Mlh or (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * BALB/c) or (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * FVB/N)
abnormal definitive hematopoiesis J:2498
abnormal dorsal root ganglion morphology J:2498
abnormal erythrocyte morphology J:2498
abnormal erythropoiesis J:2498, J:20542
abnormal frontal lobe morphology J:2498
abnormal lens fiber morphology J:20542
abnormal myelopoiesis J:2498
decreased erythrocyte cell number J:2498
decreased hepatocyte number J:20542
dilated fourth ventricle J:2498
dilated liver sinusoidal space J:2498
embryonic growth retardation J:2498
embryonic lethality, complete penetrance J:2498
flat forehead J:2498
increased apoptosis J:2498
increased megakaryocyte cell number J:2498
neurodegeneration J:2498, J:20542
pale yolk sac J:2498
normal vision/eye phenotype J:20542
involves: 129S2/SvPas
increased pituitary gland tumor incidence J:215358
postnatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:215358
involves: 129S2/SvPas * 129S6/SvEvTac * FVB/N
increased pituitary gland tumor incidence J:175625
increased thyroid tumor incidence J:175625
premature death J:175625
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
cachexia J:2511
increased pituitary gland tumor incidence J:2511, J:81082
increased thyroid tumor incidence J:81082
normal neoplasm J:2511
premature death J:81082
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6J
increased lung tumor incidence J:133299
increased metastatic potential J:133299
increased pheochromocytoma incidence J:133299
increased pituitary adenohypophysis tumor incidence J:133299
increased pituitary melanotroph tumor incidence J:133299
increased thyroid C-cell carcinoma incidence J:133299
premature death J:133299
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal cell cycle J:105548
abnormal cell cycle checkpoint function J:105548
abnormal dorsal root ganglion morphology J:105548
abnormal erythropoiesis J:105548
abnormal fourth ventricle morphology J:105548
abnormal lens development J:81643
abnormal lens fiber morphology J:105548
abnormal macrophage differentiation J:105548
abnormal neuron differentiation J:81643
abnormal placenta labyrinth morphology J:105548
abnormal placental transport J:105548
abnormal third ventricle morphology J:105548
abnormal trigeminal ganglion morphology J:105548
decreased embryo size J:105548
embryonic lethality during organogenesis, complete penetrance J:105548
hypoxia J:81643
increased fibroblast proliferation J:105548
increased lens fiber apoptosis J:105548
increased neuron apoptosis J:81643
increased nucleated erythrocyte cell number J:81643
liver hypoplasia J:81643
pallor J:105548
involves: 129S2/SvPas * 129S6/SvEvTac * FVB/N
abnormal cell differentiation J:175625
embryonic lethality, complete penetrance J:175625
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
abnormal cartilage morphology J:37145
abnormal erythrocyte morphology J:2511
abnormal erythropoiesis J:2511
abnormal liver morphology J:2511
anemia J:2511
hunched posture J:37145
increased apoptosis J:37145
increased cell proliferation J:81082
increased neuron apoptosis J:2511
lethality throughout fetal growth and development, complete penetrance J:2511, J:81082
low mean erythrocyte cell number J:2511
normal nervous system phenotype J:92520
pericardial edema J:2511
skin edema J:2511
small liver J:2511
normal vision/eye phenotype J:2511
involves: 129S2/SvPas
abnormal cell cycle J:65679
abnormal myogenesis J:65679
abnormal posture J:65679
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:65679
hunched posture J:65679
polyploidy J:65679
involves: 129S2/SvPas * 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6
increased cochlear hair cell number J:98518
increased vestibular hair cell number J:98518
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
abnormal erythropoiesis J:37145
abnormal lens development J:37145
abnormal lens fiber morphology J:37145
abnormal myogenesis J:37145
abnormal organ of Corti morphology J:98518
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology J:37145
abnormal skeletal muscle morphology J:37145
abnormal spine curvature J:37145
abnormal stationary movement J:37145
abnormal utricular macula morphology J:98518
abnormal vestibular hair cell morphology J:98518
abnormal vestibular hair cell stereociliary bundle morphology J:98518
decreased skeletal muscle fiber density J:37145
decreased skeletal muscle mass J:37145
hunched posture J:37145
increased apoptosis J:37145, J:98518
increased cochlear hair cell number J:98518
increased cochlear inner hair cell number J:98518
increased cochlear outer hair cell number J:98518
increased mitotic index J:98518
increased organ of Corti supporting cell number J:98518
increased vestibular hair cell number J:98518
normal nervous system phenotype J:37145
perinatal lethality, complete penetrance J:37145
polyploidy J:98518
chimera involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6
abnormal hepatocyte morphology J:59268
abnormal Purkinje cell morphology J:59268
cachexia J:59268
cataract J:59268
ectopic Purkinje cell J:59268
increased pituitary adenoma incidence J:59268
normal nervous system phenotype J:59268
preneoplasia J:59268
thin cerebellar granule layer J:59268
normal vision/eye phenotype J:59268
Not Specified
lethality throughout fetal growth and development, complete penetrance J:77982
no abnormal phenotype detected J:158408
involves: 129 * C57BL/6
normal cellular phenotype J:215358
normal digestive/alimentary phenotype J:215358
mammary gland duct hyperplasia J:215358
neonatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:215358
normal neoplasm J:215358
normal nervous system phenotype J:215358
respiratory distress J:215358
skeletal muscle atrophy J:215358
involves: 129 * C57BL/6
abnormal milk ejection J:151417
abnormal response/metabolism to endogenous compounds J:151417
mammary gland duct hyperplasia J:151417
mammary gland hyperplasia J:151417
involves: 129
normal neoplasm J:86077, J:157319
normal respiratory system phenotype J:86077
involves: 129 * BALB/c
abnormal white adipose tissue morphology J:129672
involves: 129 * CD-1
abnormal hearing physiology J:96345
abnormal organ of Corti morphology J:96345
abnormal organ of Corti supporting cell proliferation J:96345
increased cochlear hair cell number J:96345
increased cochlear inner hair cell number J:96345
increased cochlear outer hair cell number J:96345
increased Deiters cell number J:96345
increased vestibular hair cell number J:96345
perinatal lethality J:96345
involves: 129 * C57BL/6 * CBA
abnormal enterocyte proliferation J:215358
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * CD-1
abnormal brain interneuron morphology J:83783
abnormal cerebellar cortex morphology J:83783
abnormal cerebellar granule cell morphology J:83783
abnormal cerebellar granule layer morphology J:83783
abnormal cerebellum external granule cell layer morphology J:83783
abnormal neuronal precursor proliferation J:83783
abnormal Purkinje cell morphology J:83783
astrocytosis J:83783
increased neuron apoptosis J:83783
thin external granule cell layer J:83783
involves: 129 * FVB/N
increased carcinoma incidence J:187257
increased pituitary gland tumor incidence J:187257
normal neoplasm J:61961
premature death J:187257
FVB.Cg-Rb1tm2Brn Tg(MMTV-cre)105Ayn
normal neoplasm J:165292
involves: 129 * FVB
no abnormal phenotype detected J:97589
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * FVB
abnormal cerebellum vermis morphology J:83783
involves: 129 * 129S/SvEv
abnormal cochlear hair cell morphology J:109453
abnormal cochlear outer hair cell morphology J:109453
abnormal organ of Corti morphology J:109453
abnormal organ of Corti supporting cell proliferation J:109453
abnormal vestibular hair cell morphology J:109453
abnormal vestibular system physiology J:109453
circling J:109453
cochlear hair cell degeneration J:109453
cochlear outer hair cell degeneration J:109453
deafness J:109453
impaired swimming J:109453
increased cochlear inner hair cell number J:109453
increased cochlear outer hair cell number J:109453
vestibular hair cell degeneration J:109453
involves: 129 * FVB/N
increased pituitary adenohypophysis tumor incidence J:77982
increased pituitary melanotroph tumor incidence J:77982
normal vision/eye phenotype J:77982
either: 129P2/OlaHsd-Rb1tm2Mlh or (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * BALB/c) or (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * FVB/N)
abnormal dorsal root ganglion morphology J:2498
increased pituitary melanotroph tumor incidence J:20542
normal neoplasm J:2498, J:20542
either: 129P2/OlaHsd-Rb1tm2Mlh or (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * BALB/c) or (involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * FVB/N)
abnormal definitive hematopoiesis J:2498
abnormal dorsal root ganglion morphology J:2498
abnormal erythrocyte morphology J:2498
abnormal erythropoiesis J:2498, J:20542
abnormal frontal lobe morphology J:2498
abnormal lens fiber morphology J:20542
abnormal myelopoiesis J:2498
decreased erythrocyte cell number J:2498
decreased hepatocyte number J:20542
dilated fourth ventricle J:2498
dilated liver sinusoidal space J:2498
embryonic growth retardation J:2498
embryonic lethality, complete penetrance J:2498
flat forehead J:2498
increased apoptosis J:2498
increased megakaryocyte cell number J:2498
neurodegeneration J:2498, J:20542
pale yolk sac J:2498
normal vision/eye phenotype J:20542
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ
decreased tumor-free survival time J:249124
increased lymphoma incidence J:249124
involves: 129S4/SvJae * FVB/N
abnormal lens development J:81643
abnormal myogenesis J:81643
abnormal neuron differentiation J:81643
normal hematopoietic system phenotype J:81643
hunched posture J:81643
increased brain size J:81643
increased brain weight J:81643
increased neuron apoptosis J:81643
normal liver/biliary system phenotype J:81643
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance J:81643
involves: 129S4/SvJae
normal neoplasm J:172430
polyploidy J:172430
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6 * FVB
abnormal epidermis stratum granulosum morphology J:101623
abnormal epidermis suprabasal layer morphology J:101623
epidermal hyperplasia J:101623
involves: 129S4/SvJae * FVB/N
abnormal retina ganglion layer morphology J:91406
abnormal retina inner nuclear layer morphology J:91406
decreased retina photoreceptor cell number J:91406
decreased tumor-free survival time J:91406
disorganized retina inner nuclear layer J:91406
increased pituitary gland tumor incidence J:91406
increased retina apoptosis J:91406
thin retina outer nuclear layer J:91406
transmission ratio distortion J:91406
involves: 129S4/SvJae
abnormal retina inner nuclear layer morphology J:91406
abnormal retina inner plexiform layer morphology J:91406
abnormal retina morphology J:91406
absent retina bipolar cells J:91406
decreased retina ganglion cell number J:91406
gliosis J:91406
increased retina apoptosis J:91406
thin retina inner nuclear layer J:91406
thin retina inner plexiform layer J:91406
thin retina outer nuclear layer J:91406
involves: 129S4/SvJae * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 * FVB/N
abnormal retina morphology J:119919
increased retina apoptosis J:119919
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6J * CD-1
normal neoplasm J:136693

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