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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
reticuloendotheliosis oncogene
70 phenotypes from 8 alleles in 8 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
decreased IgE level J:236682
decreased IgG level J:236682
decreased IgM level J:236682
decreased response to antigen J:236682
impaired hematopoiesis J:236682
increased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:236682
increased T cell number J:236682
decreased B-1 B cell number J:236682
decreased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:236682
decreased CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:236682
decreased IgE level J:236682
decreased IgG level J:236682
decreased IgM level J:236682
decreased response to antigen J:236682
impaired hematopoiesis J:236682
increased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:236682
increased CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:236682
increased effector memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:236682
increased T cell number J:236682
abnormal CD4-positive T cell differentiation J:272778
abnormal T cell differentiation J:272778
decreased alpha-beta T cell number J:272778
decreased B-1 B cell number J:272778
decreased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:272778
decreased central memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:272778
decreased effector memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number J:272778
decreased IgM level J:272801
impaired humoral immune response J:272801
absent vibrissae J:211773
decreased monocyte cell number J:211773
impaired glucose tolerance J:211773
tremors J:211773
involves: 129S1/Sv
abnormal leukocyte physiology J:46911
abnormal liver morphology J:46911
abnormal lung morphology J:46911
abnormal macrophage morphology J:46911
abnormal macrophage physiology J:46911
abnormal skeleton morphology J:46911
abnormal spleen morphology J:46911
abnormal splenic cell ratio J:46911
abnormal stomach morphology J:46911
abnormal T cell physiology J:46911
decreased bone marrow cell number J:46911
decreased IgG1 level J:46911
decreased IgG2b level J:46911
decreased IgG3 level J:46911
decreased IgG level J:46911
decreased spleen germinal center number J:46911
dermatitis J:46911
enlarged lymph nodes J:46911
enlarged spleen J:46911
extramedullary hematopoiesis J:46911
impaired macrophage chemotaxis J:46911
increased IgA level J:46911
increased IgG2a level J:46911
increased IgM level J:46911
increased spleen B cell follicle size J:46911
increased susceptibility to bacterial infection J:46911
premature death J:46911
involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6
abnormal humoral immune response J:28435
decreased B cell proliferation J:28435
involves: 129S1/Sv
normal immune system phenotype J:113514
involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6
abnormal cytokine secretion J:28435, J:37541
abnormal humoral immune response J:28435
abnormal macrophage physiology J:37541
decreased B cell proliferation J:28435
decreased IgG1 level J:28435
decreased IgG2a level J:28435
decreased IgG2b level J:28435
decreased IgG3 level J:28435
decreased IgM level J:28435
decreased susceptibility to parasitic infection J:37541
decreased T cell proliferation J:28435
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6
decreased T cell proliferation J:53513
involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6
abnormal CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell physiology J:79107, J:118907
abnormal cell cycle J:75621
abnormal cytokine secretion J:53513, J:79107
abnormal dendritic cell physiology J:118907
abnormal macrophage physiology J:118907
abnormal memory B cell number J:75621
abnormal professional antigen presenting cell physiology J:118907
abnormal T-helper 1 cell differentiation J:79107
decreased apoptosis J:118907
decreased B cell proliferation J:75621
decreased cytotoxic T cell cytolysis J:53513
decreased DNA replication J:75621
decreased IgE level J:58987
decreased susceptibility to autoimmune diabetes J:118907
decreased susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis J:79107
decreased T cell proliferation J:53513, J:79107
normal immune system phenotype J:53513, J:58987, J:118907
increased eosinophil cell number J:58987
increased neuron apoptosis J:111862
normal respiratory system phenotype J:58987
no abnormal phenotype detected J:101977

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