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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B
67 phenotypes from 1 allele in 2 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
involves: C3H * C57BL/6 * C57BL/6J * CD1
abnormal cranial ganglia morphology J:326544
abnormal cranium morphology J:326544
abnormal DNA-templated transcription J:326544
abnormal embryonic tissue morphology J:326544
abnormal forebrain morphology J:326544
abnormal frontonasal prominence morphology J:326544
abnormal geniculate ganglion morphology J:326544
abnormal glossopharyngeal nerve morphology J:326544
abnormal head development J:326544
abnormal head shape J:326544
abnormal jaw morphology J:326544
abnormal mandible morphology J:326544
abnormal mandibular nerve morphology J:326544
abnormal maxillary nerve morphology J:326544
abnormal metopic suture morphology J:326544
abnormal nasopharynx morphology J:326544
abnormal nose morphology J:326544
abnormal ophthalmic nerve morphology J:326544
abnormal premaxilla morphology J:326544
abnormal temporal bone morphology J:326544
abnormal tracheal cartilage morphology J:326544
abnormal trigeminal nerve morphology J:326544
abnormal vagus nerve morphology J:326544
abnormal vestibular ganglion morphology J:326544
absent alisphenoid bone J:326544
absent aorticopulmonary septum J:326544
absent frontonasal prominence J:326544
absent gastric milk in neonates J:326544
absent hyoid bone J:326544
absent mandibular angle J:326544
absent mandibular condyloid process J:326544
absent mandibular coronoid process J:326544
absent maxillary prominence J:326544
absent nasal septum J:326544
absent tympanic ring J:326544
absent zygomatic arch J:326544
athymia J:326544
basisphenoid bone hypoplasia J:326544
cleft palate J:326544
domed cranium J:326544
ectopic bone J:326544
ectopic cartilage J:326544
edema J:326544
enlarged lateral ventricles J:326544
first pharyngeal arch hypoplasia J:326544
frontal bone hypoplasia J:326544
frontonasal prominence hypoplasia J:326544
hindbrain hypoplasia J:326544
hyoid bone hypoplasia J:326544
interparietal bone hypoplasia J:326544
lethality throughout fetal growth and development, incomplete penetrance J:326544
mandible hypoplasia J:326544
mandibular prominence hypoplasia J:326544
maxilla hypoplasia J:326544
maxillary prominence hypoplasia J:326544
Meckel's cartilage hypoplasia J:326544
midbrain hypoplasia J:326544
nasal bone hypoplasia J:326544
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance J:326544
parietal bone hypoplasia J:326544
pharyngeal arch hypoplasia J:326544
short snout J:326544
small dorsal root ganglion J:326544
small ears J:326544
small temporal bone squamous part J:326544
thin cerebral cortex J:326544
involves: C57BL/6J * CD1 * FVB/N
prenatal lethality, complete penetrance J:326544

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory