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Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Annotations
Query Results - Summary
thyroid stimulating hormone receptor
68 phenotypes from 5 alleles in 8 genetic backgrounds
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Allelic Composition
Genetic Background
Annotated Term Reference
abnormal cone electrophysiology J:213054
abnormal thyroid follicle morphology J:213054
decreased b-wave amplitude J:213054
decreased body weight J:213054
decreased circulating thyroxine level J:213054
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:213054
increased thyrotroph cell number J:213054
maternal effect J:213054
normal reproductive system phenotype J:213054
decreased activity of thyroid gland J:210510
lethality at weaning, incomplete penetrance J:210510
premature death J:210510
prenatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:210510
proportional dwarf J:210510
reduced female fertility J:210510
reduced male fertility J:210510
decreased activity of thyroid gland J:210510
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:210510
lethality at weaning, incomplete penetrance J:210510
premature death J:210510
prenatal lethality, incomplete penetrance J:210510
proportional dwarf J:210510
reduced female fertility J:210510
reduced male fertility J:210510
abnormal bone mineralization J:130062
abnormal bone remodeling J:130062
abnormal bone trabecula morphology J:130062
abnormal epiphyseal plate morphology J:130062
abnormal frequency of paradoxical sleep J:72929
abnormal long bone epiphyseal plate proliferative zone J:130062
abnormal organ of Corti morphology J:110962
abnormal outer hair cell stereociliary bundle morphology J:110962
abnormal tectorial membrane morphology J:110962
abnormal uterine environment J:72929
absent estrous cycle J:72929
circling J:85902
deafness J:111112
decreased activity of thyroid gland J:130062
decreased B cell number J:111014
decreased body length J:85902
decreased body size J:85902
decreased body weight J:85902
decreased bone mineral density of caudal vertebrae J:130062
decreased bone mineral density of femur J:130062
decreased bone volume J:130062
decreased circulating progesterone level J:72929
decreased cochlear outer hair cell number J:110962
decreased compact bone thickness J:130062
decreased distortion product otoacoustic emission amplitude J:110962
decreased dopaminergic neuron number J:85902
decreased femur compact bone thickness J:130062
decreased outer hair cell stereocilia number J:110962
decreased superovulation rate J:72929
decreased thyroxine level J:130062
delayed bone ossification J:130062
delayed endochondral bone ossification J:130062
impaired adaptive thermogenesis J:139995
impaired luteinization J:72929
increased or absent distortion product otoacoustic emission threshold J:110962
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response J:110962, J:111112
increased pro-B cell number J:111014
increased stereotypic behavior J:85902
increased thyroid-stimulating hormone level J:130062
short limbs J:130062
unidirectional circling J:85902
involves: BALB/cByJ * RF/J
abnormal thyroid follicle morphology J:6479
anemia J:6479
decreased body size J:6479
decreased circulating thyroxine level J:6479
female infertility J:6479
increased circulating cholesterol level J:6479
increased circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone level J:6479
male infertility J:6479
decreased body weight J:221489
involves: 129S1/Sv
abnormal thyroid follicle morphology J:168249
small thyroid gland J:168249
involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6J
abnormal thyroid follicle morphology J:80513
abnormal thyroid gland physiology J:80513
abnormal thyroid hormone level J:80513
decreased activity of thyroid gland J:80513
decreased circulating levels of thyroid hormone J:80513
decreased circulating thyroxine level J:80513
decreased circulating triiodothyronine level J:80513
increased circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone level J:80513
iodide oxidation defect J:80513
lethality at weaning, complete penetrance J:80513
postnatal growth retardation J:80513
reduced fertility J:80513
small thyroid gland J:80513

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