RNA-Seq data added to GXD
GXD now includes RNA-Seq data. In keeping with GXD’s scope, these data are from experiments that examine endogenous gene expression in wild-type and mutant mice during the embryonic stages and/or postnatal life. The data sets have been imported from the EMBL-EBI's Expression Atlas. To effectively integrate these data into GXD, we process these files further and annotate the sample metadata. Details…
Add RNA-Seq data to the Standard Search
The GXD Expression Data and Image Search - Standard Search Form has a section for Assay type selection. Click RNA-Seq to include that data in the Summary.
New filters added to search summaries
GXD has added new filters to the gene expression data search summaries. This enables users to quickly and efficiently extract the expression data of interest to them.
Visualization and analysis of RNA-Seq data in Morpheus
By merely clicking a button on the gene expression data search summary, the RNA-Seq data from a GXD search, including the standardized sample metadata annotated by GXD, will be rendered into an expression heat map via Morpheus, a heat map visualization and analysis tool created at the Broad Institute.
Morpheus features include: