HumanMouse: Disease Connection
Relating human diseases and mouse models
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Spotlight on mouse models of human disease

Human T-Cell Immunodeficiency, Congenital Alopecia, and Nail Dystrophy
(OMIM: 601705)

Humans and mice homozygous for recessive mutations in the FOXN1 (forkhead box N1) gene display common phenotypes:

Figure 1 (click to zoom): Molecular analysis of the human nude phenotype. (a) A five-year-old child with congenital alopecia and T-cell immunodeficiency, corrected by bone marrow transplant. (b) Sequence analysis of a nonsense mutation in exon 5 of the FOXN1 gene. Arrow indicates the R255X mutation, a C-to-T transition, causing substitution of an arginine residue by a nonsense mutation. (c) Restriction-enzyme digestion confirming the mutation. (d) FOXN1 mRNA expression in normal human scalp skin. In the hair bulb, FOXN1 mRNA is localized to the differentiating cells of the hair follicle precortex (pc) and the innermost cell layer of the outer root sheath (arrowheads); the dermal papilla (dp) fibroblasts and hair matrix below the level of Auber (small arrows) remain negative for FOXN1 mRNA.

From: Frank J, Pignata C, Panteleyev AA, et al. 1999. Exposing the human nude phenotype. Nature 398: 473-474. PubMed: 10206641

Displayed with permission of the Nature Publishing Group.

Figure 2 (click to zoom): Phenotypic comparison of normal wild type and immunodeficient mutant Foxn1nu/Foxn1nu mouse strains. The ‘nude’ (Foxn1nu) mutation is a single base-pair (G) deletion in exon 3, resulting in a frameshift mutation and termination at a TGA stop codon in exon 6. Additional spontaneous and genetically engineered mouse Foxn1 mutations differing in their sequence changes are known. See Table 1 below.

lower panel: FACS profiling of peripheral blood leukocytes shows absence of T-lymphocyte markers in the mutant mouse when stained for (A) the T-cell receptor (TCR) and B-lymphoid marker, B220 or (B) T-cell activation co-receptors CD4 and CD8.
Nail morphology in wild-type and mutant mice. Shown are (C) hind-paw photos and (D) scanning EM of nails. Nail plates of normal adults are smooth, hard, and have sharp tips while mutant nails are broken and have blunt ends.

A & B figures from:
Cunliffe VT, Furley AJ, Keenan D. 2002. Complete rescue of the nude mutant phenotype by a wild-type Foxn1 transgene. Mamm Genome 13:245-252. PubMed: 12016512.
Displayed with permission of Mammalian Genome, Springer.

C & D figures from:
Cai J, Ma L. 2011. Msx2 and Foxn1 regulate nail homeostasis. Genesis 49:449-459. PubMed: 21387539 .
Displayed with permission of Genesis, Wiley-Liss, Inc.

For an overview of mouse Foxn1 mutant phenotypes, you can enter Foxn1 in the “ Search by genes” box on the Human-Mouse: Disease Connection.

Recent articles:

Recent Reviews Original publication of FOXN1 mutations in human and mouse: Additional Links:
Table 1. Mouse Foxn1 alleles*

Allele Allele name Mutation type Mutation detail Reference
Foxn1nu nude spontaneous single base-pair deletion in exon 3 PMID:7969402
Foxn1nu-2J nude 2 Jackson spontaneous seven base-pair deletion in exon 3, resulting in a frameshift and early termination
Foxn1nu-str nude streaker spontaneous no information PMID:16068138
Foxn1nu-Y nude Yuriovo spontaneous missense point mutation in exon 7 PMID:10767081
Foxn1nu-Stl nude St. Louis spontaneous two base-air insertion in exon 7 PMID:10878619
Foxn1nu-Bc nude British Columbia spontaneous intragenic insertion of an early transposon sequence between exons 1b and 2 PMID:10348635
Foxn1tw traveling wave spontaneous abnormal splicing PMID:12893877
Foxn1tm1Tbo targeted mutation 1, Thomas Boehm targeted insertion of an IRES-beta galactosidase-neomycin cassette into exon 3 PMID:8629026
Foxn1tm1Nrm targeted mutation 1, Nancy R Manley targeted insertion of a GFP-encoding sequence into exon 3, results in aberrant splicing PMID:14528302
Foxn1tm1.1Cbln targeted mutation 1.1 Clare Blackburn targeted a revertible hypomorph was created by inserting a loxP cassette including a splice acceptor, SV40T antigen, IRES-EGFP/neo and CMAX transcription pause into exon 1b PMID:22072979

* This list does not include Floxed/FRT targeted alleles, which behave as wild-type until mated with cre recombinase bearing mice causing the sequence between the Floxed sites to be deleted. In addition, this list does not include transgenes carrying Foxn1 sequences or those Foxn1 mutations that are currently only available as cell lines and thus have no phenotypic information. For a complete list of ALL Foxn1 alleles, click here.

Brain small vessel disease with hemorrhage and with, or without, ocular abnormalities
(OMIM: 607595)

Humans and mice heterozygous for mutations in the COL4A1 (collagen, type IV, alpha 1) gene display common phenotypes:

The phenotypes associated with mutant COL4A1/Col4a1 [MGI:88454] are inherited autosomal dominant in both human and mouse. Lack of proper Col4a1 function in mutants leads to disruption of vascular basement membrane stability with mutant Col4a1 thought to prevent the proper assembly and secretion of heterotrimers (with Col4a2 [MGI:88455]) into the extracellular matrix. Familial Porencephaly I (cavitation in the brain) [OMIM:175780] is an allelic disorder describing one of the more severe possible clinical manifestations.

For an overview of mouse Col4a1 mutant phenotypes, you can enter Col4a1 in the “Search by genes” box on the Human-Mouse: Disease Connection.

Figure 1 (click to zoom): Characterization of the human COL4A1 mutant phenotype. (A) upper: slit lamp photograph of the dilated eye in an affected patient and lower: detail of nuclear cataract. (B) Retinal arterial tortuosity of medium and small arterioles in the right eye of a 20 year old patient carrying a heterozygous missense mutation in COL4A1. (C) Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a 1 year old patient showing porencephalic enlargement of the left ventricle in the frontal area. Sequencing results for this patient below showing a heterozygous G-to-C DNA change leading to a G1423R amino acid substitution.

Panel A from: Xia XY, et al., 2014. A novel COL4A1 gene mutation results in autosomal dominant non-syndromic congenital cataract in a Chinese family. BMC Medical Genetics; 15:97.
PubMed: 25124159. Reproduced under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

Panel B from: Gould DB et al., 2006. Role of COL4A1 in Small-Vessel Disease and Hemorrhagic Stroke. New England Journal of Medicine; 354:1489-1496
Pubmed: 16598045. Reproduced with permission.

Panel C from: Breedveld G., 2006. Novel mutations in three families confirm a major role of COL4A1 in hereditary porencephaly. J Med Genet.; 43(6): 490–495.
Pubmed: 16107487. Reproduced with permission.

Figure 2 (click to zoom): Phenotypic comparison of normal wild type and Col4a1 mutant mouse strains. Images have been re–labeled from originals to reflect official allele nomenclature. (A) Representative images from slit lamp examination of control (Col4a1+/+) and mutant (Col4a1+/mut) eyes showing ocular anterior segment dysgenesis in mutant mice, including open pupil (asterisk), enlarged and torturous iris vasculature, cataracts (arrowhead), and iridocorneal adhesion (cross). (B) Fluorescein angiography in control mice (left) and Col4a1-mutant mice (Col4a1deltaex40, right) on a C57BL/6J genetic background revealed abnormal patterning of the retinal vasculature in mutant mice alone. Mutant retinal vessels were highly tortuous, with more frequent branching than control vessels. (C) Representative images of coronal brain sections from Col4a1+/+ and Col4a1+/mut mice stained with cresyl violet show diverse cortical defects in mutant mice. Defects observed include molecular layer heterotrophia (boxed area in bottom right), focal heterotrophia (asterisks) resembling extensive foliation, enlarged ventricles and white matter defects. (D) Schematic representation of the COL4A1 protein along with phenotypic alleles characterized in Kuo (2014). COL4A1 contains a long, triple–helix–forming, collagenous domain flanked by a short 7S domain at the amino terminus and a globular, non-collagenous (NC1) domain at the carboxy terminus. Green boxes indicate putative integrin–binding sites.

Panel A, C & D from: Kuo DS et al., 2014. Allelic heterogeneity contributes to variability in ocular dysgenesis, myopathy and brain malformations caused by Col4a1 and Col4a2 mutations. Hum Mol Genet.; 23(7): 1709–1722.
Pubmed: 24203695. Reproduced under the terms of the Creative Common Attribution License.

Panel B from: Gould DB et al., 2007. Role of COL4A1 in Small–Vessel Disease and Hemorrhagic Stroke. New England Journal of Medicine; 354:1489-1496
Pubmed: 16598045. Reproduced with permission.

Additional recent articles and reviews:

  • Kuo DS, Labelle-Dumais C, Gould DB. 2012. “COL4A1 and COL4A2 mutations and disease: insights into pathogenic mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets.” Hum Mol Genet; 21(R1):R97-110
    PubMed: 22914737
  • Colin E, Sentihes L, Sarfati A, Mine M, Guichet A, Ploton C, Boussion F, Delorme B, Tournier-Lasserve E, Bonneau D. 2014. “Fetal intracerebral hemorrhage and cataract: think COL4A1.” J Perinatol; 34(1):75-7
    PubMed: 24374867
  • Yoneda Y, Haginoya K, Kato M, Osaka H, Yokochi K, Arai H, Kakita A, Yamamoto T, Otsuki Y, Shimizu S, Wada T, Koyama N, Mino Y, Kondo N, Takahashi S, Hirabayashi S, Takanashi J, Okumura A, Kumagai T, Hirai S, Nabetani M, Saitoh S, Hattori A, Yamasaki M, Kumakura A, Sugo Y, Nishiyama K, Miyatake S, Tsurusaki Y, Doi H, Miyake N, Matsumoto N, Saitsu H. 2013. “Phenotypic spectrum of COL4A1 mutations: porencephaly to schizencephaly.” Ann Neurol; 73(1):48-57
    PubMed: 23225343
  • Joutel A, Faraci FM. 2014. “Cerebral small vessel disease: insights and opportunities from mouse models of collagen IV-related small vessel disease and cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy.” Stroke; 45(4)1215-21
    PubMed: 24503668
Original publication of COL4A1 mutations in human and mouse:
  • Gould DB, Phalan FC, Breedveld GJ, van Mil SE, Smith RS, Schimenti JC, Aguglia U, van der Knaap MS, Heutink P, John SW. 2005. “Mutations in Col4a1 cause perinatal cerebral hemorrhage and porencephaly.” Science; 308(5725):1167-1171
    PubMed: 15905400
  • Gould DB, Phalan FC, van Mil SE, Sundberg JP, Vahedi K, Massin P, Bousser MG, Heutink P, Miner JH, Tournier-Lasserve E, John SW. 2006. “Role of COL4A1 in small–vessel disease and hemorrhagic stroke.” New England Journal of Medicine; 354(14):1489-96
    PubMed: 16598045
Additional Links:
Table 2. Mouse Col4a1 alleles

Allele Allele name Mutation type Mutation detail Original Reference
Col4a1Acso anterior capsular and suture opacity chemically induced (other) G to A nucleotide mutation at position 2104 resulting in a G658B amino acid substitution J:163225
Col4a1Bru bruised chemically induced (ENU) Point mutation in exon 26 resulted in a G627W amino acid substitution J:102749
Col4a1D456 radiation induced mutation D456 radiation induced G to A nucleotide mutation at position 2991 resulting in a G954R amino acid substitution J:163225
Col4a1delta40 delta exon 40 chemically induced (other) A mutation in the splice acceptor site of exon 40; resulted in the direct splicing of exon 39 to exon 41.
The skipped exon was re–numbered as exon 41 in genome build GRCm38/mm10 [Ref]
Col4a1ENU911 ENU mutation 911 chemically induced (ENU) G to T nucleotide mutation at position 2866 resulting in a G912V amino acid substitution J:163225
Col4a1ENU4004 ENU mutation 4004 chemically induced (ENU) G to T nucleotide mutation at position 1312 resulting in a G394V amino acid substitution J:163225
Col4a1ENU6005 ENU mutation 6005 chemically induced (ENU) G to A nucleotide mutation at position 3670 resulting in a G1180D amino acid substitution J:163225
Col4a1ENU6009 ENU mutation 6009 chemically induced (ENU) T to C nucleotide mutation at position 4875 resulting in an S1582P amino acid substitution J:163225
Col4a1ENU6019 ENU mutation 6019 chemically induced (ENU) G to A nucleotide mutation at position 4162 resulting in a G1344D amino acid substitution J:163225
Col4a1ENU6024 ENU mutation 6024 chemically induced (ENU) G to A nucleotide mutation at position 3243 resulting in a G1038S amino acid substitution J:163225
Col4a1F247 radiation induced mutation F247 radiation induced G to C nucleotide mutation at position 4152 resulting in a G1341R amino acid substitution J:163225
Col4a1Raw retinal arteriolar wiring chemically induced (ENU) Point mutation in exon 34 resulted in a K950E amino acid substitution J:102749
Col4a1Svc small with vacuolar cataract chemically induced (ENU) Point mutation in exon 37 resulted in a G1064D amino acid substitution J:102749
Del(8Col4a1-Col4a2)1Epo deletion, Chr8, Ernst Poschl 1 Targeted (Null/knockout), Intergenic deletion Exon 1 of Col4a1 and exons 1-3 of Col4a2 were replaced with a neo cassette J:89190

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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