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c50.2.1 Probe Detail
  • Name
  • Sequence Type
  • ID
  • Parent Clone
  • Vector Type
  • Insert Site
  • Insert Size
  • Note
    Insert also exits in pUC18.
  • Species
    mouse, laboratory
  • Strain
  • Tissue
H2-D1 histocompatibility 2, D region locus 1
H2-D3 histocompatibility 2, D region locus 3
H2-Q histocompatibility 2, Q region
H2-Q1 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 1
H2-Q2 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 2
H2-Q3 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 3
H2-T histocompatibility 2, T region
J:7080 Winoto A, et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1983 Jun;80(11):3425-9
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
KpnI H2-D3 a 10.5kb BALB/c
b 16kb C3H, C57BL/6-H2k
c 13kb B6.Cg-H2b4/FlaCmwJ, B10.A-H2h1/(1R), C57BL/6, C57BL/6-H2-T18a
d absent A.AL-H2a1, A.BY-H2bc H2-T18f/SnJ, A.TL-H2t1, A/WySnJ, AKR, AQR, B10.A-H2a, B10.A-H2i3/(3R), B10.AKM-H2m/SnJ, B10.BDR1-H2g4, B10.D2-H2d, B10.Q-H2q/SgJ, C57BL/10
J:8531 O'Neill AE, et al., Immunogenetics. 1986;24(6):368-73
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
PstI H2-D1 a 3.6kb B6.Cg-H2b3/FlaCmwJ
b absent B6.AK1
PstI H2-Q a 7.1,6.5,6.0,5.9kb B6.AC2, B6.AC3, C57BL/6
b 14kb B6.Cg-H2b3/FlaCmwJ
c absent A.CA-H2f/Sn, B6.Cg-H2b4/FlaCmwJ, B10.M-H2f/Sn
PstI H2-T a 20,4.4kb A.CA-H2f/Sn, B6.AC2, B6.AC3, C57BL/6-H2k
b absent B6.AC1, B6.K4
J:557 Uehara H, et al., Mamm Genome. 1991;1(2):92-9
Notes: t haplotype designations appear in the allele groupings.
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
BamHI H2-Q a multiple A/J, C3.t12, STOCK tw32
b multiple C3.t0, C3.tw8, C57BL/10
c multiple C3H-tw2, DBA/2, STOCK twPas1
d multiple C3.tLub1, P/J
e multiple C3.t6, C3.tw1, C3.tw12, RIIIS/J
f multiple A.SW-H2s H2-T18b/SnJ, C3.tw130, C3H-tw71
g multiple BALB/c, C3.tw73, PL/J
h multiple C3.tw121, SM/J
i multiple C3.tw5, C3.tw120, NZB
j multiple C3.tw75, C57BL/6
J:7080 Winoto A, et al., Genetic mapping in the major histocompatibility complex by restriction enzyme site polymorphisms: most mouse class I genes map to the Tla complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1983 Jun;80(11):3425-9
J:8531 O'Neill AE, et al., Extensive deletions in the Q region of the mouse major histocompatibility complex. Immunogenetics. 1986;24(6):368-73
J:557 Uehara H, et al., Molecular organization of the D-Qa region of t-haplotypes suggests that recombination is an important mechanism for generating genetic diversity of the major histocompatibility complex. Mamm Genome. 1991;1(2):92-9

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