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pMF1204 Probe Detail
  • Name
  • Sequence Type
  • ID
  • Region Covered
    3' portion of coding region and 3' untranslated sequence
  • Vector Type
  • Insert Site
  • Insert Size
    820 bp
  • Species
    mouse, laboratory
  • Tissue Description
  • Cell Line
Ifna2 interferon alpha 2
Ifna interferon alpha
J:7489 Dandoy F, et al., J Exp Med. 1984 Jul 1;160(1):294-302
Notes: A 292 bp BglII/HindII fragment was isolated from pMF1204 and used in Southern analysis. Common fragments also present between C57BL/6 and BALB/c.
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
BamHI Ifna b - C57BL/6
d 23kb BALB/c
EcoRI Ifna b - C57BL/6
d 6.6kb BALB/c
HindII Ifna b 11.0,2.2kb C57BL/6
d 9.4,2.1kb BALB/c
J:7993 Dandoy F, et al., J Virol. 1985 Oct;56(1):216-20
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
EcoRI Ifna b multiple C57BL/6
d multiple BALB/c
s multiple M. spretus
HindIII Ifna b multiple C57BL/6
d multiple BALB/c, DBA/2
s multiple M. spretus
J:8569 Nadeau JH, et al., Genetics. 1986 Dec;114(4):1239-55
Notes: A PstI-HincIII fragment of pMF1204 was used as the hybridization probe. Only diagnostic fragments listed.
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
HindIII Ifna a 17.2,14.8,8.7,6.7,4.2kb AKR/J
b 2.2,11.0kb C57BL/6J
d 2.1,9.4kb DBA/2HaSmnJ
s 28,13,11,6.3,1.5,1.1kb M. spretus
J:8810 De Maeyer E, et al., J Hered. 1987 May-Jun;78(3):143-6
Notes: Only diagnostic fragments given, multiple bands are present on each Southern blot.
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
EcoRI Ifna b - C57BL/6
d 6.6kb BALB/c
HindIII Ifna b 9.0,1.8kb BALB/c
d 10.4,1.85kb C57BL/6
J:4474 Huppi K, et al., Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1988;137:276-88
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
PvuII Ifna a multiple AKR/N, BALB/cAn or BALB/cByJ or BALB/cHeA, SJL/JLwPt, SWR/J
b not given C57BL/6J, C57BL/10ScSnJ, C57L/J, C58/J, NZB/BlNJ, STS/A
c multiple DBA/2N
J:10087 Fultz MJ, et al., J Immunol. 1989 Nov 1;143(9):3001-6
Notes: RFLPs were also detected with the same strain distribution pattern using TaqI, ScaI, EcoRV, HincII, ApaI, BanII, HaeIII, HinfI, HpaII NruI, SacI and EcoRI (no fragment sizes given).
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
PvuII Ifna a 8.8,6.3,3.7,3.1kb BALB/c, C3H/HeJ, DBA/2
b ~10,3.8,3.6kb C57BL/6J, C57BL/10J, C57BL/10ScNJ
SphI Ifna a 8.8,6.3,3.7,3.1kb BALB/c, C3H/HeJ, DBA/2
b ~10,3.8,3.6kb C57BL/6J, C57BL/10J, C57BL/10ScNJ
StuI Ifna a 30,15kb BALB/c, C3H/HeJ, DBA/2
b 25,16kb C57BL/6J, C57BL/10J, C57BL/10ScNJ
J:10819 Bahary N, et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1990 Nov;87(21):8642-6
Notes: M.spretus vs. C57BL/6J-db/db alleles stated as differing also; endonuclease used and fragment sizes not specified. Probe name not given in this reference; inferred from the source and source reference for the probe.
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
BglII Ifna b absent C57BL/6J
d 3.2kb DBA/2J
J:3321 Bahary N, et al., Genomics. 1991 Sep;11(1):33-47
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
EcoRI Ifna b ~15.0,9.2,7.5,5.5,3.8,3.0kb C57BL/6J
s ~15.0,7.1,5.0,3.8,3.0kb M. spretus
J:11192 Fletcher C, et al., Genomics. 1991 Apr;9(4):647-55
Notes: Only differential fragments listed; additional bands visible on autoradiograms. A 800 bp fragment of clone pMF1204 used for Southern analysis.
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
EcoRI Ifna b absent BKS.Cg-mea2J Dock7m
c ~5.5,~1.6kb M. m. castaneus
J:3223 Krall M, et al., Mamm Genome. 1992;3(11):653-5
Notes: Only differential restriction fragments given.
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
PvuII Ifna a 5.6,3.2,2.8kb BALB/cAnPt
b 5.7kb DBA/2N
J:15235 Mock BA, et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Oct 15;90(20):9499-503
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
PvuII Ifna c 5.8kb BALB/c
d 5.7kb DBA/2N
J:7380 Kelley KA, et al., Mapping of murine interferon-alpha genes to chromosome 4. Gene. 1983 Dec;26(2-3):181-8
J:7489 Dandoy F, et al., Linkage analysis of the murine interferon-alpha locus on chromosome 4. J Exp Med. 1984 Jul 1;160(1):294-302
J:7993 Dandoy F, et al., Segregation of restriction fragment length polymorphism in an interspecies cross of laboratory and wild mice indicates tight linkage of the murine IFN-beta gene to the murine IFN-alpha genes. J Virol. 1985 Oct;56(1):216-20
J:8569 Nadeau JH, et al., Rearrangement of genes located on homologous chromosomal segments in mouse and man: the location of genes for alpha- and beta-interferon, alpha-1 acid glycoprotein-1 and -2, and aminolevulinate dehydratase on mouse chromosome 4. Genetics. 1986 Dec;114(4):1239-55
J:8810 De Maeyer E, et al., Linkage analysis of the murine interferon alpha locus (Ifa) on chromosome 4. J Hered. 1987 May-Jun;78(3):143-6
J:4474 Huppi K, et al., Organization of the distal end of mouse chromosome 4. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1988;137:276-88
J:10087 Fultz MJ, et al., The physical separation of Lps and Ifa loci in BXH recombinant inbred mice. J Immunol. 1989 Nov 1;143(9):3001-6
J:10819 Bahary N, et al., Molecular mapping of the mouse db mutation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1990 Nov;87(21):8642-6
J:3321 Bahary N, et al., Molecular genetic linkage maps of mouse chromosomes 4 and 6. Genomics. 1991 Sep;11(1):33-47
J:11192 Fletcher C, et al., Genetic mapping of meander tail, a mouse mutation affecting cerebellar development. Genomics. 1991 Apr;9(4):647-55
J:3223 Krall M, et al., Isolation and mapping of four new DNA markers from mouse chromosome 4. Mamm Genome. 1992;3(11):653-5
J:15235 Mock BA, et al., Genetic mapping of tumor susceptibility genes involved in mouse plasmacytomagenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Oct 15;90(20):9499-503

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