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pUC1.0HP Probe Detail
  • Name
  • Sequence Type
  • ID
  • Region Covered
    cellular sequence 3' from insertion site
  • Parent Clone
  • Vector Type
  • Insert Site
  • Insert Size
    1.0 kb
  • Synonyms
  • Species
    mouse, laboratory
  • Strain
  • Tissue
    myeloid tumor
  • Tissue Description
    myeloid tumor 130
Mecom MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus
J:9402 Sola B, et al., J Virol. 1988 Nov;62(11):3973-8
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
Not Specified Mecom b not given C57BL/6
s not given SPE/Pas
J:10048 Buchberg AM, et al., Genomics. 1989 Aug;5(2):363-7
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
TaqI Mecom b 7.5kb C57BL/6J
s 8.6kb M. spretus
J:4958 Taylor BA, et al., Genomics. 1993 May;16(2):380-94
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
TaqI Mecom c 8.2kb CAST/EiJ
m 7.7kb MEV/Ty
J:16931 Ceci JD, et al., Genomics. 1994 Feb;19(3):515-24
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
PstI Mecom b 2.1kb C57BL/6Ros
s 4.0kb M. spretus
J:20044 Pandey KN, et al., Mamm Genome. 1994 Aug;5(8):520-2
Endonuclease Gene Allele Fragments Strains
PstI Mecom n not given NFS/N
s not given C58/J, M. spretus
J:6439 Chattopadhyay SK, et al., Structure of endogenous murine leukemia virus DNA in mouse genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1980 Oct;77(10):5774-8
J:15761 Herr W, et al., Somatically acquired recombinant murine leukemia proviruses in thymic leukemias of AKR/J mice. J Virol. 1983 Apr;46(1):70-82
J:8988 Mucenski ML, et al., Identification of a common ecotropic viral integration site, Evi-1, in the DNA of AKXD murine myeloid tumors. Mol Cell Biol. 1988 Jan;8(1):301-8
J:9402 Sola B, et al., Fim-1, Fim-2/c-fms, and Fim-3, three common integration sites of Friend murine leukemia virus in myeloblastic leukemias, map to mouse chromosomes 13, 18, and 3, respectively. J Virol. 1988 Nov;62(11):3973-8
J:10048 Buchberg AM, et al., Localization of the murine macrophage colony-stimulating factor gene to chromosome 3 using interspecific backcross analysis. Genomics. 1989 Aug;5(2):363-7
J:4958 Taylor BA, et al., The MEV mouse linkage testing stock: mapping 30 novel proviral insertions and establishment of an improved stock. Genomics. 1993 May;16(2):380-94
J:16931 Ceci JD, et al., Interspecific backcrosses provide an important new tool for centromere mapping of mouse chromosomes. Genomics. 1994 Feb;19(3):515-24
J:20044 Pandey KN, et al., Genetic mapping of the gene encoding guanylate cyclase-A/atrial natriuretic factor receptor (Npra) to mouse chromosome 3. Mamm Genome. 1994 Aug;5(8):520-2

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory