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Table pub.mgd.crs_cross
Controlled vocabulary table for all Mapping Cross descriptions.

See MLD_Matrix, CRS_Matrix.

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Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
_cross_key int4 10
crs_matrix._cross_key crs_matrix__cross_key_fkey R
crs_progeny._cross_key crs_progeny__cross_key_fkey R
crs_references._cross_key crs_references__cross_key_fkey R
mld_matrix._cross_key mld_matrix__cross_key_fkey R
primary key
type text 2147483647 type of cross
_femalestrain_key int4 10
prb_strain._strain_key crs_cross__femalestrain_key_fkey R
foreign key to PRB_Strain; maternal strain
femaleallele1 bpchar 1  √  null first allele of maternal strain; used during construction of maternal genotype
femaleallele2 bpchar 1  √  null second allele of maternal strain; used during construction of maternal genotype
_malestrain_key int4 10
prb_strain._strain_key crs_cross__malestrain_key_fkey R
foreign key to PRB_Strain; paternal strain
maleallele1 bpchar 1  √  null first allele of paternal strain; used during construction of paternal genotype
maleallele2 bpchar 1  √  null second allele of paternal strain; used during construction of paternal genotype
abbrevho text 2147483647  √  null strain abbreviation for homozygous strain
_strainho_key int4 10
prb_strain._strain_key crs_cross__strainho_key_fkey R
foreign key to PRB_Strain; homozygous strain
abbrevht text 2147483647  √  null strain abbreviation for heterozygous strain
_strainht_key int4 10
prb_strain._strain_key crs_cross__strainht_key_fkey R
foreign key to PRB_Strain; heterozygous strain
whosecross text 2147483647  √  null if non-null, then name of cross. if null, then this is a one-time only anonymous cross.
allelefromsegparent int2 5 is the allele from the segregating parent?
f1directionknown int2 5 is the F1 direction known?
nprogeny int4 10  √  null number of progeny resulting from cross
displayed int2 5 does this cross get displayed in the Cross Lookup list? yes (1), no (0)
creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified

Table contained 4,491 rows at Mon Sep 11 06:12 EDT 2023

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
_cross_key Primary key Asc crs_cross_pkey
_femalestrain_key Performance Asc crs_cross_idx_femalestrain_key
_malestrain_key Performance Asc crs_cross_idx_malestrain_key
_strainho_key Performance Asc crs_cross_idx_strainho_key
_strainht_key Performance Asc crs_cross_idx_strainht_key
type Performance Asc crs_cross_idx_type
whosecross Performance Asc crs_cross_idx_whosecross

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