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Table pub.mgd.gxd_theilerstage
Defines the Theiler Stages, one for each developmental stage defined in the Theiler system. Each stage has a "stage" attribute, which is an integer from 1 to 28, an approximate mapping to DPC values, and a short description of the main anatomical developments for the stage.


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Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
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Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
_stage_key int4 10
all_cre_cache._stage_key all_cre_cache__stage_key_fkey C
gxd_expression._stage_key gxd_expression__stage_key_fkey C
gxd_gellanestructure._stage_key gxd_gellanestructure__stage_key_fkey R
gxd_gellanestructure_view._stage_key Implied Constraint R
gxd_htsample._stage_key gxd_htsample__stage_key_fkey R
gxd_htsample_rnaseqset._stage_key gxd_htsample_rnaseqset__stage_key_fkey R
gxd_isresultstructure._stage_key gxd_isresultstructure__stage_key_fkey R
gxd_isresultstructure_view._stage_key Implied Constraint R
mgi_setmember_emapa._stage_key mgi_setmember_emapa__stage_key_fkey R
voc_term_emapa.endstage voc_term_emapa_endstage_fkey R
voc_term_emapa.startstage voc_term_emapa_startstage_fkey R
voc_term_emaps._stage_key voc_term_emaps__stage_key_fkey R
primary key
stage int4 10 Theiler Stage (1-28)
description text 2147483647  √  null description of the anatomical developments
dpcmin numeric 131089 approximate mapping to minimum DPC value
dpcmax numeric 131089 approximate mapping to maximum DPC value
creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified

Table contained 28 rows at Mon Sep 11 06:12 EDT 2023

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
_stage_key Primary key Asc gxd_theilerstage_pkey

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