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Table pub.mgd.mgi_translationtype
A record in this table represents a Translation Type.

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Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
_translationtype_key int4 10
mgi_translation._translationtype_key mgi_translation__translationtype_key_fkey R
primary key
_mgitype_key int4 10
acc_mgitype._mgitype_key mgi_translationtype__mgitype_key_fkey R
foreign key to ACC_MGIType
_vocab_key int4 10  √  null
voc_vocab._vocab_key mgi_translationtype__vocab_key_fkey R
foreign key to VOC_Vocab
translationtype text 2147483647 name of the Translation Type
compressionchars text 2147483647  √  null list of characters to remove from a translation target before translation is applied.
regularexpression int2 5 if true (1), then apply a regular expression algorithm to the lookup of the translation target.
_createdby_key int4 10 1001
mgi_user._user_key mgi_translationtype__createdby_key_fkey R
user who created the record
_modifiedby_key int4 10 1001
mgi_user._user_key mgi_translationtype__modifiedby_key_fkey R
user who last modified the record
creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified

Table contained 18 rows at Mon Sep 11 06:12 EDT 2023

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
_translationtype_key Primary key Asc mgi_translationtype_pkey
translationtype Must be unique Asc mgi_translationtype_idx_translationtype
_createdby_key Performance Asc mgi_translationtype_idx_createdby_key
_mgitype_key Performance Asc mgi_translationtype_idx_mgitype_key
_modifiedby_key Performance Asc mgi_translationtype_idx_modifiedby_key
_vocab_key Performance Asc mgi_translationtype_idx_vocab_key

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