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Sequence Detail
P06798 Q8BPE6 Q61684 Q64388 (UniProt | EBI) Last sequence update: 1999-07-15
Last annotation update: 2024-11-27
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RecName: Full=Homeobox protein Hox-A4;AltName: Full=Homeobox protein Hox-1.4;AltName: Full=Homeobox protein MH-3;
Polypeptide 285 aa
For this sequence
Organism mouse
See UniProt | EBI for source
Annotated genes and markers Follow the symbol links to get more information on the GO terms, expression assays, orthologs, phenotypic alleles, and other information for the genes or markers below.
Type Symbol Name GO Terms Expression
Orthologs Phenotypic
Gene Hoxa4 homeobox A4 18 145 2 6
Sequence references in MGI J:8339 Rubin MR, et al., A mouse homeo box gene is expressed in spermatocytes and embryos. Science. 1986 Aug 8;233(4764):663-7
J:8355 Wolgemuth DJ, et al., Isolation of a mouse cDNA coding for a developmentally regulated, testis-specific transcript containing homeo box homology. EMBO J. 1986 Jun;5(6):1229-35
J:17552 Duggal RN, et al., Differential expression of the c-abl proto-oncogene and the homeo box-containing gene Hox 1.4 during mouse spermatogenesis. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1987;513:112-27
J:22101 Viviano CM, et al., Multiple levels of regulation exist for expression of the Hoxa-4 (Hox-1.4) gene in the mouse testis. Cell Mol Biol Res. 1993;39(5):483-95
J:24201 Wolgemuth DJ, et al., Transgenic mice overexpressing the mouse homoeobox-containing gene Hox-1.4 exhibit abnormal gut development. Nature. 1989 Feb 2;337(6206):464-7
J:32465 Galliot B, et al., The mouse Hox-1.4 gene: primary structure, evidence for promoter activity and expression during development. Development. 1989 Oct;107(2):343-59
J:32999 Rubin MR, et al., Murine embryonic spinal cord and adult testis Hox-1.4 cDNAs are identical 3' to the homeo box. DNA Seq. 1991;1(5):329-34
J:33000 Wu K, et al., Protein product of the somatic-type transcript of the Hoxa-4 (Hox-1.4) gene binds to homeobox consensus binding sites in its promoter and intron. J Cell Biochem. 1993 Aug;52(4):449-62
J:99680 The FANTOM Consortium and RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group and Genome Science Group (Genome Network Project Core Group), The Transcriptional Landscape of the Mammalian Genome. Science. 2005;309(5740):1559-1563

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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory