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Sequence Detail
P70281 Q549A7 Q3V2A4 (UniProt | EBI) Last sequence update: 1997-02-01
Last annotation update: 2024-11-27
from provider
RecName: Full=Synaptonemal complex protein 3; Short=SCP-3;
Polypeptide 254 aa
For this sequence
Organism mouse
See UniProt | EBI for source
Annotated genes and markers Follow the symbol links to get more information on the GO terms, expression assays, orthologs, phenotypic alleles, and other information for the genes or markers below.
Type Symbol Name GO Terms Expression
Orthologs Phenotypic
Gene Sycp3 synaptonemal complex protein 3 43 177 3 10
Sequence references in MGI J:39612 Klink A, et al., The mouse synaptosomal complex protein gene Sycp3 maps to band C of chromosome 10. Mamm Genome. 1997 May;8(5):376-7
J:60153 Yuan L, et al., The murine SCP3 gene is required for synaptonemal complex assembly, chromosome synapsis, and male fertility. Mol Cell. 2000 Jan;5(1):73-83
J:69152 Botelho RJ, et al., The genomic structure of SYCP3, a meiosis-specific gene encoding a protein of the chromosome core. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2001 Apr 16;1518(3):294-9
J:76511 Yuan L, et al., Female germ cell aneuploidy and embryo death in mice lacking the meiosis-specific protein SCP3. Science. 2002 May 10;296(5570):1115-8
J:99680 The FANTOM Consortium and RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group and Genome Science Group (Genome Network Project Core Group), The Transcriptional Landscape of the Mammalian Genome. Science. 2005;309(5740):1559-1563
J:111287 Yang F, et al., Mouse SYCP2 is required for synaptonemal complex assembly and chromosomal synapsis during male meiosis. J Cell Biol. 2006 May 22;173(4):497-507
J:183411 Fukuda T, et al., Phosphorylation of chromosome core components may serve as axis marks for the status of chromosomal events during mammalian meiosis. PLoS Genet. 2012 Feb;8(2):e1002485
J:187175 Bisig CG, et al., Synaptonemal complex components persist at centromeres and are required for homologous centromere pairing in mouse spermatocytes. PLoS Genet. 2012 Jun;8(6):e1002701
J:268520 Zhang Q, et al., Evolutionarily-conserved MZIP2 is essential for crossover formation in mammalian meiosis. Commun Biol. 2018;1:147
J:277855 Parvanov ED, et al., PRDM9 interactions with other proteins provide a link between recombination hotspots and the chromosomal axis in meiosis. Mol Biol Cell. 2017 Feb 1;28(3):488-499
J:285969 Liu H, et al., SCRE serves as a unique synaptonemal complex fastener and is essential for progression of meiosis prophase I in mice. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Jun 20;47(11):5670-5683
J:292518 Huttlin EL, et al., A tissue-specific atlas of mouse protein phosphorylation and expression. Cell. 2010 Dec 23;143(7):1174-89
J:297328 Zhang Q, et al., SPO16 binds SHOC1 to promote homologous recombination and crossing-over in meiotic prophase I. Sci Adv. 2019 Jan;5(1):eaau9780

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory