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Sequence Detail
Q64732 Q2M2M4 O08753 (UniProt | EBI) Last sequence update: 2002-06-20
Last annotation update: 2024-11-27
from provider
RecName: Full=Forkhead box protein B1;AltName: Full=Transcription factor FKH-5;
Polypeptide 325 aa
For this sequence
Organism mouse
See UniProt | EBI for source
Annotated genes and markers Follow the symbol links to get more information on the GO terms, expression assays, orthologs, phenotypic alleles, and other information for the genes or markers below.
Type Symbol Name GO Terms Expression
Orthologs Phenotypic
Gene Foxb1 forkhead box B1 30 125 3 9
Sequence references in MGI J:14165 Kaestner KH, et al., Six members of the mouse forkhead gene family are developmentally regulated. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Aug 15;90(16):7628-31
J:16244 Ang SL, et al., The formation and maintenance of the definitive endoderm lineage in the mouse: involvement of HNF3/forkhead proteins. Development. 1993 Dec;119(4):1301-15
J:32832 Kaestner KH, et al., Expression of the winged helix genes fkh-4 and fkh-5 defines domains in the central nervous system. Mech Dev. 1996 Apr;55(2):221-30
J:67882 Kloetzli J, et al., The winged helix gene, Foxb1, controls development of mammary glands and regions of the CNS that regulate the milk-ejection reflex. Genesis. 2001 Feb;29(2):60-71
J:100811 Radyushkin K, et al., Genetic ablation of the mammillary bodies in the Foxb1 mutant mouse leads to selective deficit of spatial working memory. Eur J Neurosci. 2005 Jan;21(1):219-29

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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory