AGCTC CGCTGAGACC CCTTTCCGAG A ACTCCCAGAA CTGGGCGGCT TTGGA A = A Note: Sequence in lower case indicates low-complexity or repetitive sequence |
Assay ID | Submitter SNP ID |
Submitter Handle |
Population | ss orientation |
Variation Type | A/J |
LG/J |
SM/J |
ss145392399 | ENSMUSSNP84695 | ENSEMBL | ENSEMBL_Sanger | f | SNP | A | ||
ss322751412 | CHEV_8_87232354 | CHEVERUD | SCREENING_POP | f | SNP | A | A | |
SNP Consensus Information | ||||||||
SNP | Consensus Type | A/J |
LG/J |
SM/J |
rs47183743 | SNP | A | A | A |
Location: Chr8:85435084 () rs orientation: forward | ||||||||
Symbol | Name | Transcript | Protein | Function Class |
Allele | Residue | Codon Position |
AA Position |
Cpgi20710 | CpG island 20710 | 1252 bp distal | ||||||
Nfix | nuclear factor I/X | within coordinates | ||||||
Rr178192 | regulatory region 178192 | 517 bp proximal | ||||||
Rr187001 | regulatory region 187001 | within coordinates | ||||||
Rr187002 | regulatory region 187002 | 316 bp proximal | ||||||
Tssr78440 | transcription start site region 78440 | 170 bp upstream | ||||||
Tssr82126 | transcription start site region 82126 | 1939 bp upstream | ||||||
Tssr82127 | transcription start site region 82127 | 50 bp downstream |
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO) |
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last database update 12/17/2024 MGI 6.24 |