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Phenotype annotations related to skeleton
Darker colors indicate more annotations
Mouse Phenotypes
abnormal basisphenoid bone morphology
abnormal craniofacial bone morphology
abnormal elbow joint morphology
abnormal hip joint morphology
abnormal jaw morphology
abnormal mandibular angle morphology
abnormal navicular morphology
abnormal phalanx morphology
abnormal pterygoid bone morphology
abnormal rib morphology
abnormal sternebra morphology
abnormal sternum morphology
abnormal tarsal bone morphology
abnormal xiphoid process morphology
bowed radius
bowed tibia
decreased length of long bones
delayed endochondral bone ossification
fused carpal bones
fused metatarsal bones
intervertebral disk hypoplasia
mandible hypoplasia
mandibular condyloid process hypoplasia
mandibular coronoid process hypoplasia
Meckel's cartilage hyperplasia
palate bone hypoplasia
patellar dislocation
rib fusion
short mandible
short maxilla
short premaxilla
short scapula
short sternum
Availability Mouse Genotype