This Help document answers the following questions about the genes and markers summary:
See also:
The marker summary content depends on how you filled out the fields on the Genes and Markers Query Form.
- You searched for...
- on Chromosome: any of [2]
- AND Genome Coordinates: 4.4 -10.9 Mbp
- AND Feature Type: any of [protein coding gene, miRNA gene]
Showing markers 1 - 100 of 153.
Field Description Genetic Location If known, the chromosome and centimorgan position to which the marker is assigned. Centimorgan positions for genes and markers in MGI are based on linear interpolation using the standard genetic map described in Cox et al. (2009) (PubMed ID). Markers without genome coordinates cannot be assigned specific cM locations and are designated as syntenic. Genome Coordinates (strand) Marker's coordinates on the mouse genome assembly sequence map, and the strand location of the coordinates in parentheses. Plus (+) is = 5' to 3'. Minus (-) is 3' to 5'. Feature Type Marker categories resulting from your selection(s) on the query form. For example, if you clicked Non-coding RNA gene, results for rRNA, tRNA, snRNA, snoRNA, or miRNA genes may appear. See Genome Feature Type Definitions for a complete list of Feature Types used in MGI and their definitions. Symbol Marker symbol and name, linked to the MGI marker detail page.
Yes, you can.
If you want to edit a list or change output options:
Click on the Genome Coordinates, Feature Types or Symbol column headings or the up/down arrowheads ( ▼ ▲) to change or reverse the sort order of your results.
Above the table of your search results, click on the Text File or Excel File icon. Your web browser will download a file of the results.
Yes, you can.
Above the table of your search results, click on the Batch Query or MouseMine icons. The Batch Query will allow you to easily associate GO, phenotype and expression data to your list of results and MouseMine offers flexible querying, numerous predefined query templates, iterative refinement of results, and built-in enrichment analysis.