This help document describes Recombinase Activity Detail reports which contain some or all of the following elements:
The Recombinase Activity Detail page summarizes the recombinase expression for the selected allele and tissue combination.
The table below describes the possible fields in a Recombinase Activity Detail report. If a field does not appear, it means that information is not currently available for this allele.
Field | Description |
Allele information |
Allele | The allele symbol is composed of the gene symbol and the allele designation. If the gene is unknown, only the allele designation appears. |
Driver | The gene, gene promoter, or construct. |
Type | Specific allele category: e.g., Targeted (Recombinase), Targeted (Inducible, Recombinase), Transgenic (Recombinase), Transgenic (Inducible, Recombinase) |
Inducer | If treatment (of mice carrying a cre allele) is required to activate recombinase activity, then the inducing agent (e.g. tamoxifen) is shown. |
Synonym | Other names for the allele. |
Molecular description | Details of allele generation. Molecular references cited link to MGI Reference Detail reports. |
Find Mice (IMSR) | Information about the availability of mouse strains and/or cell lines of this allele in the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR) and an indicator of whether or not there are any strains or lines available for any allele of this transgene or gene. |
Additional Tissues | Systems in which activity data has been curated. Each system listed links to its own Recombinase Activity Detail page for this allele. |
Tissue Information |
[system] - On the left, the name of the system with recombinase activity. On the right, other recombinase alleles with activity in that system. Each listed allele links to its MGI Recombinase Activity Detail page in the specified system. If ...(more) appears, click it or the arrow icon ( ) to expand the list.
Images | Any images that the MGI database contains for this combination of allele and system. You can resize each image and drag it anywhere on the page. This is especially useful for side-by-side comparisons of expression in a given structure. |
Recombinase Activity
Structure | Recombinase activity results are associated with structures described in the Anatomical Dictionary. Structures appear in alphabetical order, A-Z. Click the column name to reverse the order. |
Cell Type | Cell type, if specified. Use of the Cell Type (CL) Ontology for annotation began in 2022, so there are not many annotations using it in the database. |
Assayed Age | Age of the embryo at time of assay. |
Level | Intensity of observed expression as specified by the author(s). Possibilities are: Absent, Present, Ambiguous, Trace, Weak, Moderate, Strong, Very Strong. Present appears if the author does not explicitly describe expression level. |
Pattern | As specified by the author(s), possibilities are: Homogenous, Non-Homogenous, Diffuse, Graded, Patchy, Regionally Restricted, Scattered, Single Cells, Spotted, Ubiquitous, Widespread, Not Specified, Not Applicable. |
Reference, Source | The J number (MGI ID) of the paper with the data, linked to the MGI References Query Results -- Details for the abstract and additional information, the figure number of the Image and a thumbnail of the image. If images and/or data are available from an external web resource, a link will be provided here. |
Assays |
Click the Assays tab (at the top of the table) to show columns with the assay type; the detection method; the reporter gene, probe or antibody; and notes about the assay.
Assay Type | In situ reporter (knock in), in situ reporter (transgenic), or Recombinase reporter. |
Reporter Gene | Gene assayed for. |
Detection Method | Assay method. Examples: direct detection, probe, antibody. |
Assay Note | Details pertaining to the entire assay, e.g. treatment. |
Genotypic Background | Click the Genotypic Background tab (at the top of the table) to show columns containing the allelic composition, genetic strain background, sex, and notes about the specimen.
Allelic Composition, Genetic Background | Allele pairs that contribute to the genotype and the mouse strain background. Each allele is linked to its corresponding Phenotypic Allele Detail Report.
Beneath the allele pairs, in parentheses, the strain of the genetic background appears; e.g., (involves: 129/Sv * C57BL/6) or (not specified).
Involves | Indicates that the strains listed (separated by asterisks) contributed to the genetic background of the specimen; additional unspecified strains may also be part of the specimen's genetic background. |
Either | Indicates that more than one genetic background appears in a reference, but the background of the specimen is unspecified. |
Sex | Male or female, when known. Not specified is the most common entry. |
Specimen Note | Provides additional information on the treatment or assay details on individual specimens; for example, maternal/paternal transmission of the cre allele. |
Result Notes | Click the Result Notes tab (at the top of the table) to see data about, for example, staining in the assayed tissue, in the Result Note column. |
References |
All for this allele: |
Number of and link to the References Query Results -- Summary of all the MGI papers for this allele. |