Run Name:
Provides a title for the output.
- The run name appears at the top of the results page.
- If this field is blank, a default name will be generated.
Query Set(s):
Specifies set(s) of objects (e.g. genes) to test. Associates a color
with each set.
Annotation Data Set:
Specifies which set of annotations to use for the analysis.
- Select one of the data sets listed, or select "Upload your own...".
- To upload your own data set:
- Attach a file in
GAF (GO Annotation File) format (version 1.0).
- Select the ontology that your
annotations use. Select one of the listed ontologies, or
select "Upload your own...".
- To upload your own ontology, attach a file in
OBO format.
Universe Set:
Optional. Constrains the analysis to a subset of the database.
- By default, Vlad compares your query set against all the annotated
objects (e.g. genes) in the database.
- Use this field if you want Vlad to comapare against a subset of the database.
- Example scenario: You are analyzing results from a custom microarray containing
probes for 5000 genes. You will get better results from Vlad by specifying the 5000
genes as the universe set.
- Paste ids and/or symbols into text area, or choose a file.
Type of analysis:
Specifies what kind of statistical analysis to perform.
- Choose "enrichment" find ontology terms that are overrepresented in
the query set relative to the database.
- Choose "depletion" to find terms that are underrepresented.
- Choose "percentage" to simply characterize your query sets (no analysis).
Evidence Codes to Exclude: |
Specifies evidence codes to exclude from processing.
- Annotations with specified evidence codes are removed.
- "NOT" annotations (e.g., Gene Abc does NOT have function f) are
always removed.
Tabular Output: |
Vlad can output your results in tabular form. Check all desired formats.
- HTML. If checked, the result page will contain a scrollable table of results.
- Excel spreadsheet. If checked, the results are written to an Excel spreadsheet file.
This file is available when you "Save" (download) your results.
(Warning: this option
does not work for very large query sets.)
- Tab delimited. If checked, the results are written to a tab-delimited
text file. This file is available when you "Save" (download) your results.
Graphical Output: |
Vlad can draw a picture of (part of) the ontology with your results
"painted on".
- Enable. Graphical output is generated only if this is checked.
- Region(s) of interest.
- If you only want to see specific regions of the ontology, enter the term id(s) here.
- Any further node limits will be applied within the region.
- Limit nodes/Value. Specifies the set of nodes to be drawn:
- top N overall. Draws the top N scoring terms and their ancestors.
Enter N (an integer) into Value. Default = 25.
- N local maxima. Draws the top N scoring local maxima (what's this?))
and their ancestors. Enter N (an integer) into Value. Default = 25.
- P-value. Draws terms whose score (minimum P-value) is less than or equal to P.
Enter P (a floating point number, e.g., .0001 or 1E-4) into Value. Default = 0.05.
- Q-value. Draws terms whose score (minimum Q-value) is less than or equal to Q.
Enter Q (a floating point number, e.g., .0001 or 1E-4) into Value. Default = 0.05.
- Cull interior nodes.
- If not checked, the graph includes selected terms and all their ancestors.
- If checked, Vlad applies a heuristic to reduce the number of interior nodes.
- Background color / node color.
- By default, graph nodes are light gray, and the graph background color is white.
- You can change either of these by clicking in the corresponding box.
- Draw labels on nodes. If checked, term names are drawn on nodes.
- Max image size. Graph image will be scaled if necessary so as not
to exceed this value.
- Enter width and height, or enter a single number to use for
both width and height.
- Values are in inches.
- Leave blank to allow unlimited image size.
View your results and/or save them to your local disk.
- Results are listed in the order generated and labelled with the Run Name.
- Each result set is viewable online for a minimum of 24 hours.
- At any point during this time, you may save the results
to your local disk.
- Saved results look and operate the same as results Viewed online.
However, your browser may require your explicit permission to load
the saved web page the first time.
- If you checked "Excel spreadsheet" and/or "Tab delimited" under "Tabular output",
those files are included when you Save.