OMIM ID | Human Disease |
OMIM:613163 |
Gaba-Transaminase Deficiency; GABATD
OMIM:617557 |
Gabriele-De Vries Syndrome; GADEVS
OMIM:230300 |
OMIM:230400 |
Galactosemia I; GALAC1
OMIM:230200 |
Galactosemia II; GALAC2
OMIM:230350 |
Galactosemia III; GALAC3
OMIM:618881 |
Galactosemia IV; GALAC4
OMIM:256540 |
Galactosialidosis; GSL
OMIM:137040 |
Gallbladder, Agenesis of
OMIM:600803 |
Gallbladder Disease 1; GBD1
OMIM:609918 |
Gallbladder Disease 2; GBD2
OMIM:609919 |
Gallbladder Disease 3; GBD3
OMIM:611465 |
Gallbladder Disease 4; GBD4
OMIM:619609 |
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 10; GAMOS10
OMIM:251300 |
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 1; GAMOS1
OMIM:301006 |
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 2, X-Linked; GAMOS2
OMIM:617729 |
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 3; GAMOS3
OMIM:617730 |
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 4; GAMOS4
OMIM:617731 |
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 5; GAMOS5
OMIM:618347 |
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 6; GAMOS6
OMIM:618348 |
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 7; GAMOS7
OMIM:618349 |
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 8; GAMOS8
OMIM:619603 |
Galloway-Mowat Syndrome 9; GAMOS9
OMIM:606349 |
Gambling, Pathologic
OMIM:137050 |
Gamma-A-Globulin, Defect in Assembly of
OMIM:615074 |
Gand Syndrome; GAND
OMIM:230740 |
Gapo Syndrome; GAPOS
OMIM:620601 |
Garg-Mishra Progeroid Syndrome; GMPGS
OMIM:619182 |
Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Proximal Polyposis of the Stomach; GAPPS
OMIM:613659 |
Gastric Cancer
OMIM:137220 |
Gastric Juice Peptides
OMIM:137130 |
Gastric Sneezing
OMIM:137210 |
Gastric Volvulus, Intrathoracic
OMIM:137280 |
Gastritis, Familial Giant Hypertrophic
OMIM:137270 |
Gastrocutaneous Syndrome
OMIM:109350 |
Gastroesophageal Reflux; GER
OMIM:243150 |
Gastrointestinal Defects and Immunodeficiency Syndrome 1; GIDID1
OMIM:619708 |
Gastrointestinal Defects and Immunodeficiency Syndrome 2; GIDID2
OMIM:606764 |
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor; GIST
OMIM:618372 |
Gastrointestinal Ulceration, Recurrent, with Dysfunctional Platelets;
OMIM:230750 |
OMIM:610539 |
Gaucher Disease, Atypical, Due to Saposin C Deficiency; GDSAPC
OMIM:608013 |
Gaucher Disease, Perinatal Lethal
OMIM:230800 |
Gaucher Disease, Type I; GD1
OMIM:230900 |
Gaucher Disease, Type II; GD2
OMIM:231005 |
Gaucher Disease, Type Iiic; GD3C
OMIM:231000 |
Gaucher Disease, Type III; GD3
OMIM:607313 |
Gaze Palsy, Familial Horizontal, with Progressive Scoliosis 1; HGPPS1
OMIM:617542 |
Gaze Palsy, Familial Horizontal, with Progressive Scoliosis 2, with Impaired Intellectual Development; HGPPS2
OMIM:231050 |
Geleophysic Dysplasia 1; GPHYSD1
OMIM:614185 |
Geleophysic Dysplasia 2; GPHYSD2
OMIM:617809 |
Geleophysic Dysplasia 3; GPHYSD3
OMIM:618482 |
Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 10; GEFSP10
OMIM:620755 |
Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 12; GEFSP12
OMIM:604233 |
Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 1; GEFSP1
OMIM:604403 |
Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 2; GEFSP2
OMIM:609800 |
Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 4; GEFSP4
OMIM:612279 |
Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 6; GEFSP6
OMIM:613863 |
Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 7; GEFSP7
OMIM:613828 |
Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 8; GEFSP8
OMIM:616172 |
Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 9; GEFSP9
OMIM:190100 |
Geniospasm 1; GSM1
OMIM:231060 |
Genitopalatocardiac Syndrome
OMIM:606170 |
Genitopatellar Syndrome; GTPTS
OMIM:618820 |
Genitourinary and/or Brain Malformation Syndrome; GUBS
OMIM:305690 |
Genitourinary Tract Anomalies
OMIM:137360 |
OMIM:137370 |
Genu Valgum, St. Helena Familial
OMIM:137400 |
Geographic and Fissured Tongue
OMIM:231080 |
German Syndrome
OMIM:231070 |
Geroderma Osteodysplasticum; GO
OMIM:137440 |
Gerstmann-Straussler Disease; GSD
OMIM:231095 |
Ghosal Hematodiaphyseal Dysplasia; GHDD
OMIM:612917 |
Giacheti Syndrome
OMIM:256850 |
Giant Axonal Neuropathy 1, Autosomal Recessive; GAN1
OMIM:610100 |
Giant Axonal Neuropathy 2, Autosomal Dominant; GAN2
OMIM:137500 |
Giant Neutrophil Leukocytes
OMIM:137575 |
Gigantiform Cementoma, Familial; FGC
OMIM:143500 |
Gilbert Syndrome
OMIM:137580 |
Gilles De La Tourette Syndrome; GTS
OMIM:206700 |
Gillespie Syndrome; GLSP
OMIM:263210 |
Gillessen-Kaesbach-Nishimura Syndrome; GIKANIS
OMIM:175510 |
Gist-Plus Syndrome; GISTPS
OMIM:263800 |
Gitelman Syndrome; GTLMNS
OMIM:273800 |
Glanzmann Thrombasthenia 1; GT1
OMIM:619267 |
Glanzmann Thrombasthenia 2; GT2
OMIM:612313 |
Glass Syndrome; GLASS
OMIM:137750 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, A; GLC1A
OMIM:606689 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, B; GLC1B
OMIM:602429 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, D; GLC1D
OMIM:603383 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, F; GLC1F
OMIM:609887 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, G; GLC1G
OMIM:611276 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, H; GLC1H
OMIM:609745 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, I; GLC1I
OMIM:608695 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, J; GLC1J
OMIM:608696 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, K; GLC1K
OMIM:610535 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, M; GLC1M
OMIM:611274 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, N; GLC1N
OMIM:613100 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, O; GLC1O
OMIM:177700 |
Glaucoma 1, Open Angle, P; GLC1P
OMIM:601682 |
Glaucoma 1, Primary Open Angle, C; GLC1C
OMIM:231300 |
Glaucoma 3, Primary Congenital, A; GLC3A
OMIM:613085 |
Glaucoma 3, Primary Congenital, C; GLC3C
OMIM:613086 |
Glaucoma 3, Primary Congenital, D; GLC3D
OMIM:617272 |
Glaucoma 3, Primary Congenital, E; GLC3E
OMIM:600975 |
Glaucoma 3, Primary Infantile, B; GLC3B
OMIM:137763 |
Glaucoma and Sleep Apnea
OMIM:606657 |
Glaucoma, Normal Tension, Susceptibility to
OMIM:618880 |
Glaucoma, Primary Closed-Angle; GLCC
OMIM:137760 |
Glaucoma, Primary Open Angle; POAG
OMIM:137700 |
Glaucoma with Elevated Episcleral Venous Pressure
OMIM:137800 |
Glioma Susceptibility 1; GLM1
OMIM:613028 |
Glioma Susceptibility 2; GLM2
OMIM:613029 |
Glioma Susceptibility 3; GLM3
OMIM:607248 |
Glioma Susceptibility 4; GLM4
OMIM:613030 |
Glioma Susceptibility 5; GLM5
OMIM:613031 |
Glioma Susceptibility 6; GLM6
OMIM:613032 |
Glioma Susceptibility 7; GLM7
OMIM:613033 |
Glioma Susceptibility 8; GLM8
OMIM:617260 |
Global Developmental Delay, Absent or Hypoplastic Corpus Callosum, and Dysmorphic Facies; GDACCF
OMIM:618272 |
Global Developmental Delay, Lung Cysts, Overgrowth, and Wilms Tumor;
OMIM:618412 |
Global Developmental Delay, Progressive Ataxia, and Elevated Glutamine; GDPAG
OMIM:618330 |
Global Developmental Delay with or without Impaired Intellectual Development; GDDI
OMIM:619243 |
Global Developmental Delay with Speech and Behavioral Abnormalities;
OMIM:137900 |
Globulin Anomaly Involving Beta (2a)-Globulin
OMIM:137950 |
Glomerulopathy with Fibronectin Deposits 1; GFND1
OMIM:601894 |
Glomerulopathy with Fibronectin Deposits 2; GFND2
OMIM:138000 |
Glomuvenous Malformations; GVM
OMIM:202200 |
Glucocorticoid Deficiency 1; GCCD1
OMIM:607398 |
Glucocorticoid Deficiency 2; GCCD2
OMIM:609197 |
Glucocorticoid Deficiency 3; GCCD3
OMIM:614736 |
Glucocorticoid Deficiency 4 with or without Mineralocorticoid Deficiency; GCCD4
OMIM:617825 |
Glucocorticoid Deficiency 5; GCCD5
OMIM:615962 |
Glucocorticoid Resistance, Generalized; GCCR
OMIM:614400 |
Glucocorticoid Therapy, Response To; GCTR
OMIM:138070 |
OMIM:138110 |
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase-Like; G6PDL
OMIM:606824 |
Glucose/Galactose Malabsorption; GGM
OMIM:606777 |
Glut1 Deficiency Syndrome 1; GLUT1DS1
OMIM:612126 |
Glut1 Deficiency Syndrome 2; GLUT1DS2
OMIM:229100 |
Glutamate Formiminotransferase Deficiency
OMIM:138277 |
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase, Brain, Membrane Form
OMIM:610015 |
Glutamine Deficiency, Congenital; GLND
OMIM:305920 |
Glutamyl Ribose-5-Phosphate Storage Disease
OMIM:231670 |
Glutaric Acidemia I; GA1
OMIM:231690 |
Glutaric Aciduria III; GA3
OMIM:614164 |
Glutathione Peroxidase Deficiency; GPXD
OMIM:266130 |
Glutathione Synthetase Deficiency; GSSD
OMIM:138340 |
Glutathione Transferase Activity Toward Trans-Stilbene Oxide
OMIM:231950 |
OMIM:231970 |
Gluteal Muscles, Absence of
OMIM:307030 |
Glycerol Kinase Deficiency; GKD
OMIM:605899 |
Glycine Encephalopathy 1; GCE1
OMIM:620398 |
Glycine Encephalopathy 2; GCE2
OMIM:617301 |
Glycine Encephalopathy with Normal Serum Glycine
OMIM:606664 |
Glycine N-Methyltransferase Deficiency
OMIM:240600 |
Glycogen Storage Disease 0, Liver; GSD0A
OMIM:611556 |
Glycogen Storage Disease 0, Muscle; GSD0B
OMIM:232200 |
Glycogen Storage Disease IA; GSD1A
OMIM:232220 |
Glycogen Storage Disease IB; GSD1B
OMIM:232240 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Ic; GSD1C
OMIM:232400 |
Glycogen Storage Disease III; GSD3
OMIM:232500 |
Glycogen Storage Disease IV; GSD4
OMIM:306000 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Ixa1; GSD9A1
OMIM:261750 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Ixb; GSD9B
OMIM:613027 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Ixc; GSD9C
OMIM:300559 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Ixd; GSD9D
OMIM:261740 |
Glycogen Storage Disease of Heart, Lethal Congenital
OMIM:232600 |
Glycogen Storage Disease V; GSD5
OMIM:232700 |
Glycogen Storage Disease VI; GSD6
OMIM:232800 |
Glycogen Storage Disease VII; GSD7
OMIM:261670 |
Glycogen Storage Disease X; GSD10
OMIM:612933 |
Glycogen Storage Disease XI; GSD11
OMIM:611881 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Xii; GSD12
OMIM:612932 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Xiii; GSD13
OMIM:613507 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Xv; GSD15
OMIM:138710 |
Glycoprotein, Renal
OMIM:232900 |
Glycoprotein Storage Disease
OMIM:616025 |
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis Defect 11; GPIBD11
OMIM:617810 |
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis Defect 15; GPIBD15
OMIM:617816 |
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis Defect 16; GPIBD16
OMIM:618010 |
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis Defect 17; GPIBD17
OMIM:610293 |
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis Defect 1; GPIBD1
OMIM:619985 |
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis Defect 25; GPIBD25
OMIM:230500 |
Gm1-Gangliosidosis, Type I; GM1G1
OMIM:230600 |
Gm1-Gangliosidosis, Type II; GM1G2
OMIM:230650 |
Gm1-Gangliosidosis, Type III; GM1G3
OMIM:272750 |
Gm2-Gangliosidosis, Ab Variant
OMIM:138770 |
GMS Syndrome
OMIM:166260 |
Gnathodiaphyseal Dysplasia; GDD
OMIM:138800 |
Goiter, Multinodular 1, with or without Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors;
OMIM:300273 |
Goiter, Multinodular 2; MNG2
OMIM:606082 |
Goiter, Multinodular 3; MNG3
OMIM:138790 |
Goiter, Multinodular, Cystic Renal Disease, and Digital Anomalies
OMIM:609460 |
Goldberg-Shprintzen Syndrome; GOSHS
OMIM:228250 |
Gollop-Wolfgang Complex; GWC
OMIM:233270 |
GOMBO Syndrome
OMIM:601853 |
Gomez-Lopez-Hernandez Syndrome; GLHS
OMIM:600171 |
Gonadal Agenesis
OMIM:424500 |
Gonadoblastoma; GBY
OMIM:233450 |
Goodpasture Syndrome
OMIM:212840 |
Gordon Holmes Syndrome; GDHS
OMIM:602361 |
Gracile Bone Dysplasia; GCLEB
OMIM:603358 |
Gracile Syndrome
OMIM:614395 |
Graft-Versus-Host Disease, Susceptibility To; GVHDS
OMIM:138920 |
Granddad Syndrome
OMIM:602531 |
Grange Syndrome; GRNG
OMIM:138930 |
Grant Syndrome
OMIM:306300 |
Granulomas, Congenital Cerebral
OMIM:608710 |
Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis; GPA
OMIM:233700 |
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 1; CGD1
OMIM:233710 |
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 2; CGD2
OMIM:613960 |
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 3; CGD3
OMIM:233690 |
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 4; CGD4
OMIM:618935 |
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Autosomal Recessive, 5; CGD5
OMIM:306400 |
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, X-Linked; CGDX
OMIM:139000 |
Granulosis Rubra Nasi
OMIM:275000 |
Graves Disease; GRD
OMIM:603388 |
Graves Disease, Susceptibility to, 2
OMIM:300351 |
Graves Disease, Susceptibility to, X-Linked 1
OMIM:139100 |
Graying of Hair, Precocious
OMIM:139090 |
Gray Platelet Syndrome; GPS
OMIM:215140 |
Greenberg Dysplasia; GRBGD